Page 57: of Marine News Magazine (June 1969)
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Edo Western Develops New Sonar Transceiver Edo Western Corporation has announced the development of a third-generation, versa-tile, compact shipboard transceiver, the Model 248B solid-state sonar transceiver. The "B" model incorporates all of the features of its predecessor, the 248A, plus additions and modifications to increase output power, there-by enabling it to perform a larger range of capabilities. The new unit features extremely low input power and high output power. It performs a wide scope of oceanographic and ASW tasks and can be used as a "modular building block" for depth sounding, acoustic command, navigation, bottom penetration and automatic bathymetric systems. The Model 248B was developed by the ori-ginal designers of the widely used AN/UQN-1 depth sounder with consideration given to the present and future requirements of the ocean-ographic industries. Specific system require-ments are achieved through a choice of operat-ing frequencies from 1 to 38 kHz, continuous variation of output power to 2,000 watts, in-ternally or externally controlled pulse lengths, and compatibility with all precision recorders and a wide variety of standard transducers. Minimum maintenance is assured through the use of high-quality components in the trans-mitter, receiver and power supply, and an MTBF of greater than 5,000 hours. Further information is available by contacting Edo Western Corporation, Salt Lake City, Utah 84115. Universal Iron Building Twin-Screw Tugboat Universal Iron Works, Houma, La., is to build a twin-screw tugboat for Twenty Grand Towing Corp., Berwick, La. Designated Hull No. 90, it will have the following dimensions: 115 feet by 31 feet by 13 feet 6 inches, and will be equipped with 2,400-total-bhp diesels. Oglebay Norton To Buy Cleveland Foundry Officials of Oglebay Norton Company, Cleve-land. Ohio, and Taylor & Boggis Foundry Company, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio, have an-nounced that they have reached an agreement in principle whereby Taylor & Boggis and its affiliates, Ohio Industrial Properties Corpora-tion and Ohio Industrial Castings Corp., will be merged into Oglebay Norton. Terms of the proposed transaction were not disclosed at this time, but it was stated that it will involve the issuance of Oglebay Norton convertible preferred stock for all shares of common stock of Taylor & Boggis, Ohio Industrial Properties and Ohio Industrial Castings. The proposed merger is subject to working out a satisfactory definitive agreement, approval by the board's of directors of all companies involved and the stockholders of Taylor & Boggis. Oglebay Norton's present plans call for the business and operations of Tayor & Boggis and its affiliates to be carried on by a subsidi-ary of Oglebay Norton with Frank P. Gill, Cleveland, Ohio, president of Taylor & Bog-gis, as president of the subsidiary and employ-ing the present personnel and organization of Taylor & Boggis and its affiliates. Taylor & Boggis, founded in 1862, is a fully operating gray iron foundry with extensive manufacturing facilities at 2469 East 71 Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Oglebay Norton Company, its subsidiaries and predecessor organizations have been en-gaged in the mining, sale and transportation of iron ore, coal and other minerals since 1855. Its operations include a diversified fleet of Great Lakes vessels, general cargo docks on the Great Lakes, and coal mines in Ohio. Amercoat Appoints Abbott And Andersen To New Posts Amercoat Corporation, Brea, Calif., has an-nounced the appointment of D. T. Abbott as sales manager, with responsibility for all na-tional sales-oriented activities. Mr. Abbott had been manager of Amercoat's Cherry Hill, N.J. district office since 1964 and is being succeeded in his position by Kjell F. Andersen. Before that, he held numerous important positions with the company in the New York and Philadelphia areas. Prior to joining Amercoat he was regional manager for Plicoflex, Inc., in charge of over-seas marketing, and held other responsible positions with Prufcoat Laboratories, Inc. and Quaker Rubber Corporation. He is a graduate of La Salle College in Philadelphia, with a de-gree in business administration. Mr. Andersen, in his new position, will be responsible for sales and service throughout the Northeast area covered by that district. His appointment follows several years' experi-ence with Amercoat as engineering sales rep-resentative in the Cherry Hill District. Before joining Amercoat Mr. Andersen was general manager, Tollefsen Brothers Contract-ing Company and held other responsible posi-tions with Bethlehem Steel Company and Texas Oil Company. Amercoat Corporation is the manufacturer of corrosion-resistant products including: Amercoat protective coatings; Nukem chemi-cal-resistant cements, grouts and membranes; Bondstrand and du Verre fiberglass-reinforced plastic pipe, tanks and fittings; Amer-Plate PVC sheet lining materials, and Nob-Lock PVC waterproofing system. Amercoat manu-factures and distributes nationally and inter-nationally ; sales offices are located in key cities. "POWERFUL ANSWER... Around the clock, Turecamo's modern fleet of fast, powerful tugs gland ready to instantly provide you with the very be9t in towing services. Added to this are the years of invaluable experience docking and undocking ships of all sizes and in every phase of towing operations. When yon want fast, efficient and economical service .. Call Turecamo First. DOCKING ? UNDOCKING - harbor, sound, coastwise, canal and lake towing TURECAMO COASTAL & HARBOR TOWING CORP. 1752 SHORE PARKWAY, BROOKLYN, N. Y. 11214 ? TEL: ES 2-52QO MATTON TRANSPORTATION CO.. INC. TURECAMO TRANSPORTATION CORP MATTON SHIPYARD CO INC B TURECAMO CONTRACTING COMPANY. INC TURECAMO TANKERS INC June 1, 1969 59