Page 60: of Marine News Magazine (June 1969)
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New Propeller Shaft RPM Indicator System With Digital Readout Henschel Corporation has an-nounced a new propeller shaft speed indicator system with digital readout, featuring accuracy to 1 rpm, rugged marine construction and solid-state integrated circuitry. The indications are easily read from a distance and at a wide view-ing angle without parallax distor-tion. The price of the new system is competitive with the traditional dial and pointer system. The new system consists of a transmitter geared to the propeller shaft, a converter-indicator which is usually mounted in the engine room, and as many as ten remote indicators. Both the transmitter and the converter-indicator have total-turns counters. The con-verter-indicator and the remote in-dicators display rpm in digital form. The transmitter closely resembles those of previous systems and is gear driven at a three-to-one ratio from the propeller shaft. It has a six-figure mechanical counter which indicates total turns of the propeller regardless of direction. Counting every ten revolutions, it will record up to ten million turns before it repeats. The converter-indicator has a three-digit display of propeller shaft rpm plus a seven-figure total-turns counter. This is also ar-ranged to count every 10 rpm and get the job done right JACKSON MARINE ROPES ... for the really big marine jobs Tying up the big ones requires a hawser that can take it. And, come back for more! Two husky new JACKSON ropes ideal for these heavyweight tasks, yet which are manageably lightweight and easy to handle, are the P-J Combo and P-C Combo. These fine new top-quality com-bination ropes are designed for the toughest marine tasks and stand up over a lengthy lifetime of rugged use. See your JACKSON distributor or write us. I JACKSON & ROPE CORPORATION 1/in i/nnnn ft V Division of Automatic Steel Products. Inc. RU yGarS if £ Ninth and Oley Streets /Reading. Pennsylvania 19604 Of rope progress Rope Makers >?«#»-: Since 1829 Lockstad Patented Chain Pipe Covers Cut Labor Costs ? Now in use by all leading vessel operating companies Prevent flooded chain lockers, eliminate hazardous and expensive methods of pouring concrete. Lockstad has developed a new cover which secures in place in matter of minutes and can be removed in seconds. Cover makes a complete thorough seal around the ring of the chain pipe. Used for vertical or caspen type windlasses. Our company representative will supervise each initial installation. 'ocfofad Inc. 179 West 5th Street ? Bayonne, N. J. 07002 ? Call 201 339-1351 West Coast: M. J. Gigy & Associates ? 467 6th Street, San Francisco, Calif. 94103 Propeller rpm indicator by Henschel. will count to 100 million before it repeats. The display of shaft rpm is by three digits of the nixie tube type. An indicator light on the front panel flashes red to indicate reverse direction. A front panel control is provided to dampen the rpm indication in the event of rough weather when the shaft speed changes too rapidly for easy readability. The remote indicators are small units designed for panel, bulkhead or console mounting. They display only propeller shaft rpm with three seven-segment digits, each a full one-inch high, illuminated by long-life incandescent lamps. A red filter is provided to make these instru-ments suitable for use in the wheel-house or bridge wings where dark adapted vision is essential. A dim-mer control and lamp test button are provided on the front panel. There is also a warning light which flashes red to indicate reverse di-rection of the propeller. The new system employs solid-state integrated circuits of a type noted for their reliability. Every indicator throughout the ship al-ways reads identically. Only one calibration is required for the en-tire system. This is made at the engine room unit which does the computation for the entire system. The standard Henschel dial-and-pointer type indicator mav also be used with this system. A BCD out-put is available which is compati-ble with most types of data logging equipment. It is designed especial-ly for maritime use and is therefore of rugged construction suitable for the vibration and hazards of a ma-rine environment. Further information may be ob-tained from George Curry, chief engineer, Henschel Corporation, 14 Cedar Street, Amesbury, Mass. 01913. Canada Marine Group Elects R.S. Misener Association President The Dominion Marine Associa-tion has elected as its president, Ralph S. Misener, president of Scott Misener Steamships Ltd. of St. Catharines. Elected vice-presi-dent was Alex Pullin, vice-presi-dent of Hall Corp., of Canada, Mon-treal. The association, which represents Canada's inland shipping fleets trading in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Waterway, also elected 10 other directors. 62 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News