Page 73: of Marine News Magazine (June 1969)
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AXIAL FLOW FANS NEW UNUSED 230 V. D.C Navy mu A10D2W6?La Del Co., 10,000 CFM ? 3" S.P. MOTOR: Reliance Motor Co.?7.5/3.1 HP, 230 VDC?1310/1750 RPM. DIMENSIONS: 32Vs" OD?31 VA" BC?29% ID?40%" length. $45000 Navy size A8D2W5?Buffalo Forge Co.?8000 CFM 9 3" S.P. MOTOR: G.E. 6/1.8 HP?230 VDC?1310/1750 RPM. DIMENSIONS: 30 9/16" OO?29V4" BC?27 Vi ID?37%" length. $32950 AF80?Sirocco?8000 CFM @ 2" S.P. MOTOR Welco 4/1.9 HP?230 VDC?1310/1750 RPM. DIMENSIONS: 30Vi" OD ? 29Vi BC ? VJVa ID?37%" length. U.S. Maritime type fan. $32950 AF100?Sirocco?10,000 CFM @ 2" S.P. MO-TOR: Woleo 5/2.2 HP?230 VDC?1310/1750 RPM. DIMENSIONS: 32'/i" OD?31 Vi" BC? 2914 ID?40%" length. U.S. Maritime type fan. $37500 * 1 i; / . ; tislj^i?i, i > ? ? rlis C i V I ;,r< I NEW ? UNUSED ? 115 V.D.C. 20000 C.F.M. ? 115 10000 C.F.M.?115 16000 C.F.M.-115 "J15 12000 C.F.M.? 115 4000 C.F.M.? 115 RECONDITIONED ? 440 V.A.C. A1A4W5 to A16A4W5?with starter?440/3/60 1000 C.F.M. 6000 C.F.M. 2000 C.F.M. 8000 C.F.M. 3000 C.F.M. 10000 C.F.M. 4000 C.F.M. 16000 C.F.M. LARGE AXIAL FLOW FANS 30000 C.F.M. A304W5?25 HP?440/3/60, 30000 C.F.M. @ 3" static; 40000 CFM @ 1" static. I.D. 44VA" THE BOSTON METALS COMPANY 313 I. Baltimore St. 539-1900 Baltimore, Md. 21202 (301) 3S5-5050 RENT, LEASE OR SALE! BARGE MOUNTED REVOLVING CRANE 50-Ton capacity. Barge dimensions: 57' wide x 190' long. CRANES-WHIRLEYS: One American 1956 model R20 HHE heavy duty 50 Ton. One practically new American model 254 capacity 90 Tons at 50', 25 Tons at M0'. One Clyde model 24E 50 Tons at 45'. CONTINUOUS LIBERTY SHIP DISMANTLING?Marine parts always available. STEEL BARGES AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY?180'x42'x 12' and 150'x42'xl2'?A.B.S. Newly Constructed. OTHER SIZES ALSO AVAILABLE. SCHNITZER INDUSTRIES American Ship Oismantlers, Inc. 3300 N.W. Yeon Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97210 Phone: (503) 224-4321 Cable Schnitzerbro Telex: 503-224-1C01 Ft. of Adeline St., Oakland, Calif. Phone: 415-444-1*19 7 x 10 CLYDE DOUBLE DRUM WINCHES Drum 8500 lbs @ not less than 120 FPM; 13,000 lbs at no specified speed. Gypsy head 22,500 lbs. static pull. Foot brake to hold 17,000 lb. pull. Steam cylinders with stondard 250 PSI. DIMENSIONS: 9' 5%" wide over winch heads 5' 10Vi" wide on bedplate 4' 1" deep over bedplate 6' 5" overall?brake pedal, etc. 2" steam?2Vi" exhaust. Drums 16" diametei--20" wide?33 13/16" over flanges. Rebuilt by U.S.N, equal to new. THE BOSTON METALS COMPANY 313 E. Baltimore St. Baltimore, Md. 21202 539-1900 (301) 355-5050 CARRIER REFRIGERATION UNITS 40-Ton Air Conditioning & Cargo Refrigeration Unitt Carrier compressor?model 7G8-EF?freon com-pressor with manual cylinder cut-out?426 RPM? 39.4 tons?suction temp. 45°F?cond. temp.? 105°F?35 HP?230 volt DC motor. Complete with motor control?refrigeration condenser?re-ceiver ? fittings. 8 Complete units. Dimensions: Compressor 6'8'/i" long?4' lOVi" OAW?ap-prox. 6' high over suction connection. Condenser about 14' long?approx. 12" diameter. Just re-moved from Grace Line vessels. Excellent for fish-ing industry, banana boats, air-conditioning quar-ters, etc. THE BOSTON METALS COMPANY 313 E. Baltimore St. Baltimore, Md. 21202 539-1900 (301) 355-5050 M.G. SETS NEW YORK OFFICE: 11 Broadway ? New York, N. Y. 10004 PHONE: 943-2640 1.24 KW G.E. MG SETS G.E. Motor?3 HP?115 volts DC?1800 RPM. OUTPUT: G.E. generator?1.24 KW?1.56 KVA ?120/60/1?0.8 PF?14.2 amps?1800 RPM. With spare armature. Overspeed trip on motor side. $33950 25 KW IDEAL M.G. SETS INPUT: 40 HP?115 volts DC?290 amps?1800 RPM?frame 445. OUTPUT: Generator 31.5 KVA ?25KW?440/3/60?1800 RPM. Control cab-inet includes motor starter & generator control. NEW 0.5 KVA HERTNER SETS Type CHT-211761. INPUT: Motor 115 volts DC? 9.0 amps?1800 RPM?1 HP. OUTPUT: 0.5 KVA ?115 volts single phase 60 cycle?4.3 ompi? .85 PF. $12750 CONTINENTAL: 3.7 KW?Input: 7Vi HP 230 volts DC/28 amps/1800 RPM. Type D-324X? continuous. Output: Generator type DS-324XB 3.7 KW/7.5 KVA/120/1/60?62.5 amps?0.5 PF compound wound. THE BOSTON METALS COMPANY 313 E. Baltimore St. 539-1900 (301) Baltimore, Md. 21202 355-5050 NEW JANETTE I KVA SETS 2-Bearing Sets?type D.E.?3L. MOTOR INPUT: 2 HP?115 volts DC?3.5 amps?1800 RPM. OUTPUT: type C.E.I.?120 volts 60 cycle singla phase. 8.3 amps?40°C Temp rise?0.8 P.F. $17950 UNUSED SURPLUS 1 KVA SETS INPUT: 1.75 HP?115 Volts DC?17 amps? 1800 RPM. OUTPUT: 1 KVA?115 volts?8.7 amps?60 cycle single phase?0.9 PF. Unit is self-excited and will carry load immediately on starting. Regulation ±5%. Complete with mag-netic starter 8i spare parts. Units designed and built to rigid Navy specs. SIZE: 19.5" long?26.5" wide?16" high. Weight 285 lbs. SPARES: 85 lbs. CONTROL: 20"X15"X10"?75 lbs. $18950 June 1, 1969 75