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By Larry Pearson
While the Casino boat building busi- ness has been stagnant for nearly a decade, there maybe emerging opportuni- ties for growth. For naval architects, ship- yards, interior designers and marine sys- tems and equipment suppliers the mid 1990's was a heady time. Over 100 casino boats were built during this time. If there are more on the way, it will be a smaller market this time around. The market is not so much for new boats for new jurisdic- tions, since the last casino boat legislation was passed in Indiana in 1993, almost 12 years ago. What is happening is that those boats are now 12 years old and needing replacement. Over the past couple of years some boats have been replaced.
With the sailing issue settled, all casino boats can stay permanently docked, although vessels in Indiana and Louisiana still need Coast Guard certification. This has caused the way casino boats are designed to be changed. "A few years ago we were designing mostly Coast Guard certified vessels, but now that has shifted to PMV's or Permanently Moored Ves- sels," said Matt Pittman, of Lay, Pittman and Associates of Jacksonville, Fla.
PMVs are not powered and do not have to be Coast Guard inspected. Indiana and
Louisiana are the only states that require their casino boats be certified as Subchap- ter H vessels. That means sea trials are necessary and they are fully equipped to meet that certification. However, they resemble floating boxes more than boats.
L'Auberge Du Lac
The new casino boat for Lake Charles,
La. is a perfect example. The new $40 million vessel has all gaming on a single level with 1,600 slots and 100 table games. Single level gaming facilities are preferred by the gaming companies and their patrons, but this new vessel is the first to be specifically designed to both have a single level gaming facility and be able to met Coast Guard regulations. It fits into a cofferdam at the Lake Charles site and will be integrated into the rest of the complex so the gaming patron will not know when he/she is on the water or land.
The vessel was built in three sections, two by the main contractor LEEVAC
Industries LLC, Jennings, La. and one section by Quality Shipyards at their
Houma, La shipyard. The three sections were joined at the LEEVAC yard and major construction completed there. The final outfitting was done in Lake Charles at a portable shipyard LEEVAC estab- lished at the Port of Lake Charles.
To comply with Louisiana gaming law that the vessel must resemble a vintage paddle wheeler, the vessel does have a split paddlewheel that operates (another
Louisiana gaming law requirement) and a pair of stacks painted black with gold-col- ored filigree, I guess to comply with the vintage looking boat requirement. Other than that, the boat is a 330-ft. by 225-ft. box with a 13-ft. deep hull named
L'Auberge Du Lac.
At the present time the casino vessel is in its slip at the Pinnacle Gaming facility.
The gaming facility, hotel and entertain- ment venues at the complex are scheduled to open in April 2005. This will be the 15th and last state regulated riverboat gaming facility to open in Louisiana.
There is little reason to discuss the ves- sel's propulsion, navigation and commu- nications systems since they will be used only on sea trials. The generators, a pair of
Caterpillar 3508B units, develop 920 kW each but they will also see limited action.
The vessel will use shore power, but the generators can be used in a standby mode if shore power is lost. Even the air condi- tioning system is located on shore as a part of the hotel mechanical system.
The casino boat is part of a $365 mil- lion hotel-casino complex with a 26-story hotel with 700 rooms and an 18-hole golf course owner by Pinnacle Entertainment of Las Vegas, Nevada.
As noted by Pittman, the casino boat market has now shifted to primarily (except for Louisiana and Indiana) Perma- nently Moored Vessels. Many of the orig- inal vessels were built as fully operating boats, since they had to be Coast Guard licensed when they opened. The replace- ment vessels can be built to totally differ- ent standards requiring no propulsion equipment, navigation systems or steering gear.
While these vessels result in smaller shipyard contracts, they do require some mechanical systems and interior design and joinery is about the same as with
Coast Guard certified vessels.
At the present time the market is for replacement vessels for many of the orig- inal 100 vessels originally built. But rumors remain high that additional states will pass some form of casino boat gam- ing, probably using permanently moored vessels.
The problems facing state today are still the same as those facing the original six states that passed casino boat gaming leg- islation in the 1990-1993 time period.
Briefly stated that is voter demand for increased state services without raising taxes. With this continuing pressure, states that were on the verge of passing riverboat gaming in the 1990's may revis- it that issue in the next few years.
Passenger Vessel Annual
Are More Casino Boats on the Horizon?
A "first generation" 10-year-old casino boat with three levels of gaming. This style of vessel will be replaced with barges with a single level of gaming as is the industry custom for land-based casinos. "The Magnolia Belle glides effortlessly through the water on another excursion. The 1969 era vessel is beginning life anew in Mandeville, La. 20 • MarineNews • January, 2005
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