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3D Measure Inc www.3dmeasure.com
Andrew Williams tel: 401 848 4575 email:[email protected]
Products: Measuring marine hulls a producing hull files. Hull lines, in DXF, IGES
ARL Albacore Research Ltd. www.ShipConstructor.com
Larry Varga tel: +1-888-210-7420, +1-250-479-3638 email:[email protected]
Products: ShipConstructor provides functions for curved plates, structure, pipe, HVAC, equipment, and NC-processing and also generates sophisti- cated production documentation.
AUTOSHIP SYSTEMS CORPORATION www.autoship.com tel: 604-254-4171 email:[email protected]
Products: Autoship - for surface modeling. The
Autoship program uses Non-Uniform Rational B-
Spline (NURBS) mathematics, the high-end CAD standard for surface modeling.
C. Raymond Hunt Associates, Inc. www.crhunt.com
Winn Willard tel: (617) 742-5669 email:[email protected]
Products: Naval Architects/Marine Engineers.
Commercial, pleasure, semi-custom, custom, pro- duction vessels to150 feet
Delcam www.delcam.com
Mary Shaw tel: 1800 664 3506 email:[email protected]
Descr: Completed automated CADCAM software solutions
Products: PowrMILL, PowerSHAPE, ArtCAM, Pow- erINSPECT, CopyCAD, PS-Exchange, PS-Team,
Design Systems & Technologies ds-t.com
Nick Danese tel: +33-4-9291 1324 email:[email protected]
Products: naval architecture & marine engineer- ing.
Direct Dimensions, Inc. www.directdimensions.com
Michael Raphael tel: 410-998-0880 email:[email protected]
Products: 3D Laser Scanning for "As-Built" CAD
Models. 3D Laser Scanners, Digitizers, Portable
CMMs, CAD Modeling
Donald L. Blount and Associates, Inc. www.dlba-inc.com
Bill Blount tel: (757) 545-3700 email:[email protected]
Products: 3-D surfaced models, CNC plate files
Formation Design Systems Pty Ltd www.formsys.com tel: +61 8 9335 1522 email:[email protected]
Products: Maxsurf - Integrated Naval Architecture & Ship Construction Software, Multiframe - Struc- tural Engineering Software
Forum Marine - Forum Services www.forummarine.com
Thomas Duhen tel: 713-993-0797 email:[email protected]
Products: Naval Designer - 3D CAD software
Gerber Technology www.gerbertechnology.com tel: 860-871-3730 email:[email protected]
Products: 3D to 2D CAD software, nesting, and automatic cutting systems
Hawaii Marine, Computer Aided Design & Engineering www.hawaii-marine.com tel: 808 247-6443 email:[email protected]
Products: Design & engineering services, Excel and MathCAD templates for structure, stability, powering and other catagories.
HydroComp, Inc. www.hydrocompinc.com
Jill Aaron tel: (603) 868-3344 email:[email protected]
Descr: Naval Architects, Marine Engineers, Spe- cialists in Marine Propulsion
John J. McMullen Associates, Inc. jjma.com tel: 7039336890 email:[email protected]
Descr: Naval Architecture Company
Products: Ship Design
Kubotek USA, Inc. www.kubotekusa.com
Evan Marks tel: 800-372-3872 email:[email protected]
Descr: Kubotek USA develops and manufactures
KeyCreator software (formerly CADKEY) and is responsible for sales, marketing, distribution and support for the Americas, Europe, Australia and
New Zealand. More than 8000 global customers use Kubotek design and
MasterShip www.mastership.nl tel: +31 40 2699 699 email:[email protected]
Products: MasterShip CAD/CAM Software and
Partner products
MTC, Ltd www.mtc-limited.com
Dennis Buckley tel: (716) 772-7722 email:[email protected]
Descr: CNC Software
Products: ProNest, TurboNest, QuikCam,
NC2CAD, Job Trak
Napa Ltd www.napa.fi
C J Schauman tel: +358 9 22 813 1 email:[email protected]
Descr: Developer of NAPA software applications for design of ships and offshore platforms
ENGINEERING SERVICES tel: 632-4483343 email:[email protected]
Products: AutoCAD 2005/ Fastship Version 6.0
Proficiency www.proficiency.com
Michael Jannery tel: 508-486-9868 email:[email protected]
Products: Collaboration Gateway™ - provides shipbuilding OEMs & suppliers with feature-based data exchange between the major MCAD applica- tions
Proteus Engineering,
Anteon Corporation www.proteusengineering.com
Bruce Hays tel: 410-643-7496, ext. 3006 email:[email protected]
Products: FlagShip, FastShip, MAESTRO, Visu- alSMP, RhinoMarine
RODA MAR LLC roda-mar.com tel: 713 659 1226 email:[email protected]
Products: Conceptual Ship Design Software
Vacanti Yacht Design LLC www.vacantisw.com
David Vacanti tel: 425 644 3109 email:[email protected]
Products: Hull Design and Analysis Software, Keel and Rudder Design and Analysis Software
VISTAGY, Inc. www.vistagy.com
Ed Bernardon tel: +1.781.250.6800 email:[email protected]
Products: VISTAGY develops software that inte- grates with CAD systems to create specialized engineering environments; FiberSIM®, EnCapta®
Waller Marine, Inc. www.wallermarine.com
Wayne Richardson tel: 281-444-9650 email:[email protected]
Products: Marine Architect and Engineering 36 • MarineNews • July, 2005
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