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The Ashcroft 1130 series c/pgauge offers a solution for a variety of differential pressure measurement applications. With the use of a close-coupled magnetic rack-and-pinion movement and our pole magnets, the Model 1130 provides superior stability and relia- bility. Ashcroft 1130 Series gauges are offered in weather resistant stainless steel or brass cases.
Circle 101
ASC On-board and
Load Planning software is used at all stages of vessel operations. Cen- tral to the On-board solutions is
Autoload. The program reads data from tank, draft, wind and SCR sensors as well as user-input, and then reports on the condition of the vessel. Autoload is used in conjunc- tion with ASC-developed load planning modules.
Circle 102
Aker Kvaerner
Aker Kvaerner pro- vides state-of-the-art deepwater field devel- opment solutions from technology development and early field development studies through the delivery and installation of the project. Aker Kvaerner provides a combination of deepwater technol- ogy and project execution skills.
Circle 103
Atlantic Marine
The Atlantic Companies encompass four ship- yards. Two are located on the East Coast in Jacksonville,
Florida and two on the Gulf of
Mexico in Mobile, Alabama. Yard- by-yard, Atlantic offers a wide range of capabilities and services: new construction, repairs and con- version.
Circle 104
The Bow Loading
System provides a means for offshore loading and discharge of crude oil or other fluid media. The BLS is compati- ble with standardized equipment on FPSOs FSOs and Loading Tow- ers, as well as APLs SAL and OLS
Circle 105
Glenair is a manufac- turer and supplier of commercial and Mil-
Spec connector accessories. Glenair offers full-spectrum product lines designed to meet interconnect requirements. From hermetic con- nectors to fiber optics , from con- duit systems to Micro-D assem- blies, Glenair does it all.
Circle 111
The McMurdo M-2
Automatic Identification
System AIS provides safety benefits and improves effec- tiveness of safe navigational prac- tices. The M-2 provides an AIS solution for all types of vessels that are required by legislation, code or national ruling to install AIS. The
M-2's compact design and ease of use accommodates smaller crafts.
Circle 112
Designed to halt ter- rorist attacks as well as enforce drug laws, GE
Ion Track products complement X-ray scanners and weapons detectors. Renowned for sensitivity and ease of use GE Ion
Track detection and identification systems are deployed in more than 120 countries.
Circle 108
Founded by
Robert McNi- chols ikn 1952,
McNichols offers product cate- gories such as Perforated Metal,
Wire Cloth and Expanded Metal.
They also offer a wide range of flooring, treads, bar, safety and fiberglas gratings and handrail com- ponents.
Circle 109
The ORC IIA sewage treatment systems are U.S.
Coast Guard/IMO and EC Certified.
The ORCA IIA is a Type II physi- cal/chemical marine sanitation device (MSC) utilizing 5 percent chlorine solution for disinfection and is design specifically for marine applications.
Circle 110
Smiths Detection offers security solutions through trace detection equipment and
Smiths Heimann x-ray systems. In both areas we are world-leaders.
Their combination of technologies results in products & services no other company is capable of supply- ing, to protect our freedom.
Circle 113
Nashville Bridge Com- pany has been closely associated with the nation's waterways for more than 95 years. Nabrico's winches feature all steel construc- tion; 40 ton holding capacity certi- fied by independent testing labora- tory; large bronze bushings with grease fittings on all shafts for long life
Circle 114
MariNOx - A direct onboard engine emissions monitoring system for compliance with MARPOL Annex VI Reg.13 and The NOx Technical Code. Can also monitor SOx, CO, HC and other pollutants. The system can also deliver major fuel savings for complying vessels.
Circle 115
MMC CL Couplings provide a pick and safe flanged connection on a wide variety of appli- cations. The helical cams are rotat- ed into place with the average con- nection taking less than one minute. Each cam is individually locked into place resulting in a vibration proof, leak proof, twist proof connection.
Circle 116
Vetus products are mar- keted and serviced in more than 100 countries worldwide, through branch offices, independent importers and com- mercial agents or by means of direct sales to boat builders (OEMs).
Nearly all products, which are mainly intended for installation in smaller commercial vessels, are still being developed in-house.
Circle 117
Large or small, floating or fixed, Seaward Sea
Guard fenders are in use from the tropics to the Artic, pro- viding tough heavy-duty fendering systems for harbor, offshore and ship-to-ship applications. The foam-filled construction provides an unsinkable fender body that per- mits high energy absorption with a relatively low reaction force.
Circle 118
ShipNet is an interna- tional maritime IT solution provider.
They develop, imple- ment and support a complete range of vessel and shore maritime software, including finan- cial, fleet, commercial and liner management solutions. ShipNet was established 1991 from their predecessor DataShip.
Circle 119
Centa has pub- lished an updated 57 page catalog covering the Centax-SEC coupling line. The "Super Elastic Coupling" system, introduced in 1988, offers several styles of flexible couplings covering marine propulsion and auxiliary drives thru 650 kNm (480,000 Lb-ft.).
Circle 120
Tyco Safety Products is part of the Tyco Fire and
Security division of Tyco Interna- tional Ltd. Tyco Safety Products' businesses design, manufacture, and distribute electronic security systems, fire protection, detection and suppression systems, sprinklers and fire extinguishers including more than 60 brands distributed in markets across the globe.
Circle 121
The FA-100 is a univer- sal shipborne AIS capa- ble of exchanging navi- gation and ship data between own ship and other ships or coastal stations. The FA-100 consists of VHF/GPS antennas, a transponder unit and several associ- ated units. The LCD panel displays all required information about Stat- ic data,
Circle 122
Xantic has been a pioneer in the com- munications world since 1904. The company is a world leader in the provision of Inmarsat and Iridium services, combined with industry- first and user-friendly Value Added
Services. Xantic has two Land
Earth Stations, offices and agents all over the world and offers global 24/7 Customer Service.
Circle 123
Stromme Ships Equip- ment has been supplying the maritime industrial sector with goods and services on a worldwide scale, with operations in 14 countries around the world.
Stromme air solutions give air qual- ity, air treatment, distribution sys- tem, SMC Compressors, installa- tion, and low life-cycle costs to their customers.
Circle 124
Sormec is specialized in design, development and construction marine cranes for ships, oil platforms and offshore services.
The range of cranes offered is extensive and custom built cranes are also possible The design is made according to the DIN 15018 rules.
Circle 125
PRODUCTS 38 • MarineNews • July, 2005
DuPont Zodiaq quartz surfaces is composed mostly of quartz, giving it tough- ness and a hardness of 7 on a scale of 10. Zodiaq offers consistency in color; can be cut and fit to meet exacting requirements with preci- sion, uniformity and consistency;
It is dense and nonporous, with no sealing required, and is heat-, scratch- and stain-resistant.
Circle 107
HHI Holloway
Founded in 1960, Hol- loway Houston.Inc. began business as a small distribu- tor of wire rope and chain fittings.
Whether you need a basic sling, a spreader bar, CAD drawings for a water bag load test, or an entire rig- ging plan for a complex project,
Holloway's engineering and design department can assist.
Circle 106
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