Page 9: of Marine News Magazine (December 2005)
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December, 2005 • MarineNews 9
The Society of Naval Architects and
Marine Engineers (SNAME) named
Robert E. Kramek president elect of the organization at its recent Annual Maritime
Technology Conference & Expo in Hous- ton, Texas. Kramek, President and Chief
Operating Officer of ABS will commence his term January 1, 2007, succeeding cur- rent SNAME President Dr. Roger H.
Admiral Kramek is a former Comman- dant of the United States Coast Guard (USCG) from which he retired as a Four
Star Admiral.
Admiral Robert E. Kramek graduated with honors from the United States Coast
Guard (USCG) Academy with a B.S. in engineering in 1961 and attended post- graduate schools at the University of
Michigan, Johns Hopkins University and the University of Alaska. He has received
Master of Science Degrees in Naval
Architecture and Marine Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering and Engineering
Management. He is a Fellow of the Soci- ety of Naval Architects and Marine Engi- neers (SNAME), a member of the Ameri- can Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE), a member of the U.S. Navy League, and a life member of the Reserve Officers Asso- ciation. Along with these memberships he serves on the Board of Trustees of the
Webb Institute and the Board of Advisors for the University of Michigan's School of
Engineering among many other profes- sional commitments.
Kramek also attended the U.S. Naval
War College in Newport, Rhode Island, graduating with Highest Distinction. He completed the "Capstone" Program at the
National Defense University's Institute of
Higher Defense Studies. He has been honored as a Distinguished Alumnus at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, the U. S.
Naval War College, and the University of
Michigan. Mr. Kramek is a recipient of the Reserve Officers Association Minute- man Hall of Fame award, the NAACP
Meritorious Service Award, and an Hon- orary Doctorate in Public Administration from the Massachusetts Maritime Acade- my.
Kramek is a naval architect and marine engineer. He is a Fellow of the Society of
Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME), a member of the American
Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE), a member of the U.S. Navy League, and a life member of the Reserve Officers Asso- ciation. Along with these memberships he serves on the Board of Trustees of the
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Admiral Kramek Named President-Elect of SNAME
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