Page 37: of Marine News Magazine (July 2006)
The Satellite Communications Edition
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New Tank Cleaning
Alfa Laval announced the launch of a new sin- gle-nozzle tank cleaning machine, the Gunclean
Toftejorg i65 S. The latest addition to Alfa Laval's line of Gunclean Tofte- jorg products is the Gun- clean Toftejorg i65 S, a single-nozzle tank clean- ing machine with many features. This new machine incorporates low-wear materials and advances in mechanical design, such as a hysterisis clutch that resolves the operat- ing issues associated with magnetic clutches.
The hysterisis clutch in the Gunclean
Toftejorg i65 S is designed to be more reliable than traditional machines. Com- prising a hysterisis plate on one side and six supermagnets on the other, it creates an even magnetic field that does not require synchronization.
In addition to increasing runnability, the hysterisis clutch allows design changes that protect against leakage and cross- contamination.
Even when an advanced tank cleaning machine like the Gunclean Toftejorg i65 S is used, the final cleaning result will only be as good as the weakest link in the tank cleaning system. This is why Alfa Laval recommends designing the installation properly from the beginning, taking into account everything from the boiler to the tank walls.
G-Pass, the unique Alfa Laval software used in preparing shadow diagrams, is central to this design optimization. G-Pass lets Alfa Laval evaluate the proposed cleaning solution, creating a three-dimen- sional image of the tank and its corruga- tions, stringer platforms and other internal obstructions. This image can be viewed from any angle, revealing any "shadows" that are not directly hit by the cleaning jets.
Circle 61 on Reader Service Card
Enhanced Thermal
The latest multiple sensor vision sys- tems from Night Vision Technologies (NVTi), the 5000 and 6000 series, are designed to provide improved fields of view, better imaging capabilities, and more user-friendly operation. The 5000 series uses a thermal imager with new field of view options. They are 36 degree on model 5000, 23 degree on the 5100 and 9 degree on the 5200 model. Also stan- dard on the series are a high-resolution 312x zoom color camera and an ultra low lux camera. The new series offers a 360 degree continuous pan capability and directional indicator. A redesigned pro- portional joystick and backlit controller simplify control of the units.
The 6000 series models offer the same standard and optional capabilities as the 5000 series, plus more. Standard on the 6000 units is a two-axis stabilized plat- form. Even in rough waters, the feature is designed to hold the tilt-head steady, keeping the object in the field of view in focus.
Circle 62 on Reader Service Card
Anti-heeling Pump
Allweiler AG manufacturers its
ALLTRIMM anti-heeling propeller pump in seawater-resistant aluminum bronze (CC333G). This inline propeller pump has reversible hydraulics and a uniform pumping capacity. Three radial-shaft seal- ing rings contain an integrated leak sen- sor. The electric motor is constructed with standard parts from a German manufac- turer and conveniently integrated into the pump lobe. As a result, the pump forgoes components required in conventional designs such as a valve controller, cou- pling, and gearbox. The pump is available in one and two-stage versions that deliver a flow rate up to 1300 cu. m./hour and delivery heads up to 10 m (single-stage) or 20 m (two-stage).
Circle 63 on Reader Service Card
WDT Intrusion
Wave Dispersion Technologies' floating marine barriers have been contracted for installation at the Port of Los Angeles (POLA) and the Port of Long Beach (POLB). The Small Craft Intrusion Barri- er (SCIB) was invented, commercialized, and is manufactured in the U.S. The SCIB creates a floating line of demarcation and exclusion zone for maritime force protec- tion. The SCIB was designed for the most adverse marine conditions including winds of 100 mph. Loads are carried by steel cables encased in two in. EPDM rub- ber connecting cables. These same steel cables create a significant maritime port security barrier against intrusions and/or entry by unauthorized, stray or threaten- ing vessels. The $2.9m agreement includes design, fabrication and delivery of 10,000 feet of floating security barriers.
Circle 64 on Reader Service Card
New Maritime GPS
Powerwave Technologies added two maritime GPS repeaters to its line of next- generation repeater solutions. Designated
AM4200 and AM1200, Powerwave's maritime GPS repeaters are designed specifically for use on board cruise ships and ferries where poor radio coverage often prevents passengers and crew mem- bers from using commercial wireless voice and data services. By increasing the distance over which voice and data can travel through the preservation of signal integrity and the regeneration of wireless signals, the maritime GPS repeater sup- ports seamless wireless connectivity throughout the ferry or ship, including inside cabins, restaurants, bars, casinos and other areas where wireless coverage is required. Offering a robust RF design that provides network operators with excellent signal quality, the AM series maritime GPS repeater is small in size, measuring 440mm x 530mm x 175mm (17.32 inches x 20.86 inches x 6.88 inch- es) and weighing 21 kg (46.29 lbs.), Pow- erwave's AM4200 maritime GPS repeater supports GSM/CDMA 800 MHz net- works, and the AM1200 supports GSM 900 MHz networks.
Circle 66 on Reader Service Card
Type Approval for
Northrop Grumman Corporation has been awarded type approval from the Ital- ian classification society Registro Italiano
Navale (RINA) for its Sperry Marine Voy- ageMaster II Simplified Voyage Data
Recorder (S-VDR). Sperry Marine's Voy- ageMaster II S-VDR has also received similar type approval from the German certification authority Bundesamt für
Seeschiffahrt & Hydrographie.
Circle 67 on Reader Service Card
Monitoring in
Tight Spaces
UE Systems' Remote Access Sensor (RAS), includes a sensing transducer which is permanently mounted on a test subject such as a pump, motor, bearing or valve housing. It is connected to a cable, which can be inserted through a test port and attached to an Ulraprobe to data log and/or record sound samples for analysis.
Another remote sensor, the RAS-MT is a magnetically mounted transducer assembly with cable, included with the
Ultraprobe 10,000 and available as an optional accessory for the 9000. This accessory provides consistency while monitoring equipment condition and will operate in difficult-to-reach test points.
The UE Ultra-Trak 750 measures ultra- sonic amplitude changes on a continuous basis, thereby providing early warning of mechanical failure, valve leakage or flow disruption. This dust-proof and water- proof stainless steel-housed sensor is designed to function in the harshest of environments. It is connected via cable with 4-20 mA.0-10VDC and heterodyned outputs to remotely record or data log equipment for passively monitoring ultra- sound.
Circle 68 on Reader Service Card
July, 2006 • MarineNews 37
DVD: Immersion Suit Training:
It Could Save Your Life
Immersion Suit Training: It Could Save Your Life, is the latest training aid from
Maritime Training Services, and illustrates how Immersion Suits can be used to improve a seafarer's chances of survival in an emergency. Having an Immersion Suit for each person on board is not just good practice; SOLAS will soon require it.
Immersion Suit Training: It Could Save Your Life, an 11 minute DVD from Maritime
Training Services, takes a close look at the use and maintenance of these important life saving appliances. Filmed on the icy waters of Puget Sound, the program starts with a look at the dangers of hypothermia, the unseen killer, and how Immersion Suits can be used to improve a seafarer's chances of survival in an emergency.
Immersion Suit Training: It Could Save Your Life is priced at US$200 and is avail- able only on DVD in English audio with subtitles in English, Spanish, Chinese, and
Circle 65 on Reader Service Card
New Products
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