Page 61: of Marine News Magazine (November 2011)
Workboat Annual
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ply vessel, holding up to 150 passen- gers. ?The Cheetah has four MTU 16V 4000 M71 engines rated at 3305 hp,? McCall said. ?Its high horsepower engines allow the vessel to achieve very high speeds when carrying time- critical cargoes. When cargoes are not as urgent, the Cheetah can cruise at an economical speed of 30 knots. The vessel has a fuel capacity of 26,722 gallons and can carry 182 long tons of deadweight.? McCall said the SEACOR Cougar, working in the Caspian Sea, is a dou- ble-hulled catamaran--built by Gulf Craft and delivered to SEACOR in 2010. It's a sister ship to the Cheetah. The Cougar is fitted with MTU 16 V 4000 engines, rated at 3435 HP each.The Cheetah, the Cougar and theCoco McCall all have water-jet propulsion systems, he said. ?SEACOR is currently working on new and innovative concepts to fur- ther advance fast, crew boat technolo- gy," McCall said. Meanwhile, SEACOR Holdings Inc., the parent company of SEA- COR Marine, operates a helicopter company. ?In the Gulf, both helicop- ters and fast crewboats are used to transport offshore workers to drilling rigs and platforms,? McCall noted.. ?Typically, passengers are transported to the structures near shore by crew- boats, and they travel by helicopter when the structures are more dis- tant.?But he said ?as a general rule, more people are moved by helicopters to rigs in the Gulf of Mexico, whereas in deepwater operations overseas--in West Africa for example--companies use crew boats more. Customers decide what's right for them, depend-ing on the situation, the rig's distancefrom shore and the amount of time they have.? Weather, the number of people traveling and availability of equipment also determine whethercrew boats or helicopters are used. ?In a hurricane event, companies employ crew boats and helicopters because lots of personnel have to be moved ashore quickly,? McCall said. SEACOR Marine, he added, is one of the largest transporters of offshore staff in the Gulf of Mexico. As for catamaran usage, ?there's more demand internationally than there is in the Gulf, both pre and post last year's Gulf oil spill,? McCall said. ?Catamarans are fast but they have less cargo capacity than mono-hulls,which aren't as fast.? He said rig oper- ators in the Gulf tend to prefer Cutting Edge, Aluminum Floating Dry Dock Allen MarineNot Just Another Aluminum Vessel Find Out MoreLet us put our 44 Years experience, to work for you... Innovative vessels of all types and portable dry dock systems Unrivaled quality, durability, performance, versatility and value Turnkey commercial marine vessel design and manufacturing Marine grade aluminum construction and superior designAllen MarineTToottaallllyy mmoodduullaarr ddeessiiggnnTThhee wwoorrlldd??ss mmoosstt iinnnnoovvaattiivveevveesssseellss aanndd ppoorrttaabbllee ddrryy--ddoocckkss^ääÉå=j~êáåÉI=fåÅUUUJTQTJUNMN==Äç~íë]~ääÉåã~êáåÉKÅçã= =ïïïK~ääÉåã~êáåÉKÅçã Visit us at IWBSBooth # 2269Cutting Edge, Aluminum Floating Dry Dock Let us put our 44 Years experience, to work for you... www.marinelink.com MN61MN#11 (50-65):MN 2011 Layouts 11/1/2011 4:48 PM Page 61