Page 34: of Marine News Magazine (February 2012)
Inland Bulk Transportation
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Towing, freight movement, fleet and harbor operations and terminal load-ing and unloading. According to Darren Chambers of Elmwood Marine Services, "BargeOps has sig- nificantly improved our productivity. The intuitive nature of the applica- tion has significantly reduced the amount of training time necessary for our dispatch function. BargeOps has cut the amount of time required to manage the fleet by at least ½ and probably more." BargeOps Onshore seamlessly cap- tures dispatch activity and accurately bills clients while improving informa- tion flow and accuracy for boat per- sonnel through boat orders and elec- tronic decklogs. The software, like many others, interfaces with backend financial systems ? tracks operations,does invoicing and exports to back office accounting.BargeOps integrates completely with the industry standard BargeEx EDI system. BargeEx was engineered by Cornerstone in the context of a consortium consisting of AEP River Operations, Ingram Barge Line, and American Commercial Lines. The information technology departments of all three operators, along with Cornerstone Solutions Group, Inc. met in the fall of 2005 and formed aConsortium to embark on a co-oper- ative effort to promote electronic data interchange (EDI) and the standardi- zation of EDI transactions between barge lines and service providers oper- ating on the Inland Waterways of the United States. The initial transactions focused on fleet related activities. The product of those discussions, BargeEx is an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) delivery system that connects barge service companies with their customers ? system to system ? pro- viding an electronic exchange of transactions.Supporting and enhancing opera- tions and other software, Cornerstone 34MNFebruary 2012 mmÜÜWW==EEPPPPTTFFOOPPTTJJRRMMNNNN ccññWW==EEPPPPTTFF==UUPPTTJJTTTTUURRbbWW==ÜÜÉÉ~~ÇÇÑÑääììëëÜÜÉÉêê]]~~ÜÜÉÉ~~ÇÇíí~~ååââKKÅÅççããttÉÉÄÄWW==ïïïïïïKK~~ÜÜÉÉ~~ÇÇíí~~ååââKKÅÅççãã ==``ÜÜÉÉããááÅÅ~~ää==ooÉÉëëááëëíí~~ååíí== ==ooììëëíí==CC==``ççêêêêççëëááççåå==mmêêççççÑÑ==== ==llÇÇççêê==ccêêÉÉÉÉ== ==aaììêê~~ÄÄääÉÉ== ==``ççããéé~~ÅÅíí==== ==iiááÖÖÜÜíí==ttÉÉááÖÖÜÜííqqóóééÉÉ==ffff==ppÉÉïï~~ÖÖÉÉ==qqêêÉÉ~~ííããÉÉååíí==mmää~~ååíí==EEppqqmmFFrp=`ç~ëí=dì~êÇ=`ÉêíáÑáÉÇ ~åÇ=fjl=OMNM=^ééêçîÉÇ qqÜÜÉÉááëë==ÅÅççååëëííêêììÅÅííÉÉÇÇ==ççÑÑ==eeÉÉ~~îîóódd~~ììÖÖÉÉ==iiii==mmççääóóÉÉííÜÜÉÉääóóååÉÉ==ììëëááååÖÖ==ííÜÜÉÉ==ããççëëíí~~ÇÇîî~~ååÅÅÉÉÇÇ==ëëíí~~ííÉÉJJççÑÑJJííÜÜÉÉJJ~~êêíí==êêççíí~~ííááççåå~~ääããççääÇÇááååÖÖ==ééêêççÅÅÉÉëëëë==ÅÅêêÉÉ~~ííááååÖÖ==~~==ììååááíí==ííÜÜ~~íí==ááëëWW ==iiççïï==jj~~ááååííÉÉåå~~ååÅÅÉÉSOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY?Some programs take millions of dollarsand multi-years to install. How much timeto get value? Inland operators typicallycan?t afford either. And typically, cus-tomers don?t have IT departments.?Boatracs CEO Irwin Rodrigues MN#2 (32-43):MN 2011 Layouts 2/3/2012 11:41 AM Page 34