Page 30: of Marine News Magazine (August 2012)
Salvage & Recovery
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Maritime Corp., specializes in salvage and wreck removal. The company rescues oil industry equipment. Greg Detiveaux, vice president of business development at Crowley?s solutions group, said ?It?s important to distinguish between salvage and decommissioning. Decommissioning a rig or platform is a planned event, known well in advance as there is a government obligation to decommission the platform within ve years of no longer producing.? A platform is removed after it isn?t economically viable. ?Therefore, decommissioning is really all about the lowest-cost solution to removal,? he said. Detiveaux continued, saying ?salvage, however, is unplanned and much more costly. An oil platform might be lying on its side with pipelines tangled or severed. The removal or recovery is much more technically challenging and costly.? Todd Busch, Crowley Maritime Corp. senior vice president and general manager of technical services, said ?the trend in decommissioning today is to contract the work for a lump sum, a xed price. We?re not focusing on that segment of the market at this time.? Busch said ?our salvage company focuses mainly on salvage, wreck removal and maritime emergency- response operations. We provide salvage services to vessels, rig platforms and pipelines during emergencies.?Crowley has tugs and barges that can be used during platform recovery. ?When a vessel or platform requires salvage services, we provide salvage masters, naval architects or marine engineers to stabilize the vessel,? Busch said. ?This can become critical after a casualty, hurricane and other weather event. In this case, after the weather?s gone through, a platform might be capsized or submerged, or a pipeline might be damaged. Salvage services may be required at that time.? Detiveaux meanwhile says that heavy-lift companies with derrick barges of the size matched to platform mmÜÜWW==EEPPPPTTFFOOPPTTJJRRMMNNNN ccññWW==EEPPPPTTFF==UUPPTTJJTTTTUURRbbWW==ÜÜÉÉ~~ÇÇÑÑääììëëÜÜÉÉêê]]~~ÜÜÉÉ~~ÇÇíí~~ååââKKÅÅççããttÉÉÄÄWW==ïïïïïïKK~~ÜÜÉÉ~~ÇÇíí~~ååââKKÅÅççãã + +==``ÜÜÉÉããááÅÅ~~ää==ooÉÉëëááëëíí~~ååíí== + +==ooììëëíí==CC==``ççêêêêççëëááççåå==mmêêççççÑÑ==== + +==llÇÇççêê==ccêêÉÉÉÉ== + +==aaììêê~~ÄÄääÉÉ== + +==``ççããéé~~ÅÅíí==== + +==iiááÖÖÜÜíí==ttÉÉááÖÖÜÜííqqóóééÉÉ==ffff==ppÉÉïï~~ÖÖÉÉ==qqêêÉÉ~~ííããÉÉååíí==mmää~~ååíí==EEppqqmmFFrp=`ç~ëí=dì~êÇ=`ÉêíáÑáÉÇ ~åÇ=fjl=OMNM=^ééêçîÉÇ qqÜÜÉÉááëë==ÅÅççååëëííêêììÅÅííÉÉÇÇ==ççÑÑ==eeÉÉ~~îîóódd~~ììÖÖÉÉ==iiii==mmççääóóÉÉííÜÜÉÉääóóååÉÉ==ììëëááååÖÖ==ííÜÜÉÉ==ããççëëíí~~ÇÇîî~~ååÅÅÉÉÇÇ==ëëíí~~ííÉÉJJççÑÑJJííÜÜÉÉJJ~~êêíí==êêççíí~~ííááççåå~~ääããççääÇÇááååÖÖ==ééêêççÅÅÉÉëëëë==ÅÅêêÉÉ~~ííááååÖÖ==~~==ììååááíí==ííÜÜ~~íí==ááëëWW + +==iiççïï==jj~~ááååííÉÉåå~~ååÅÅÉÉThe salvage operation of the offshore tug La Marie in the Gulf of Mexico. It hit a submerged oil platform that had been dam- aged in a hurricane and sank 30 miles off Sabine Pass, TX. Inset Photo: Resolve?s Joe Farrell. Courtesy Resolve Marine 30 MNAugust 2012