Page 34: of Marine News Magazine (April 2013)
Offshore Service Operators
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rights for BoomVane. Developed and patented by ORC of Sweden, BoomVane simpliÞ es the challenges of deploying containment boom in rivers and tidal waters without the need for boats or anchors. The technology combines the science of sailing with the art of ß ying a kite, in the water. The result is faster response time and less recovery expense. Finally, Elastec and Kvichak Marine Industries, a de- signer and manufacturer of high performance aluminum workboats, formed an alliance in 2013 to better serve customers of MARCO Filterbelt skimmer systems and Kvichak/MARCO Oil Spill Recovery Vessels (OSRVs). The alliance, created to meeting the needs of responders, provides reliable and effective oil spill response vessels and technologies. Today, Elastec both commissions and trains customers in the use of their systems and also supervises burn control operations. THREE FOR THE MONEY On the water today, ElastecÕs three premier products in- volve the newly acquired BoomVane technology, the newly invented Grooved Disc Oil Skimmer and its patented line of oil spill, Þ re retardant booms. In Situ Burning: Elastec is active in developing Arctic SpeciÞ c response technology. That said, Arctic response methods change depending on the season. So, what do you build for? What Elastec found was that burning in ice is extremely effective. In fact, it works under most, if not all conditions. The downside of burning is the particulate mat- ter that eventually dissipates; hence this method of response is usually seen offshore. Wilson said Òtypically, you need to be three to four miles offshore. It can be done in inland waters, too, but the permitting process is more in-depth.Ó Eventually, Elastec and American Marine merged in 2012, but not before the two Þ rms? combined response team was deployed to the U.S. Gulf for three months to lead the controlled oil burn operation after the Ma-condo blowout. Wilson and Cantrell, along with a team of employees, corralled more than 300,000 barrels of oil with the patented Hydro-Fire Boom system, a state-of-the-art inß atable Þ re resistant, water-cooled boom designed to contain and burn surface oil off-shore to protect sensitive shoreline habitats.Donnie Wilson, Elastec CEO April 201334 MNMN April2013 Layout 32-49.indd 34MN April2013 Layout 32-49.indd 344/3/2013 12:44:36 PM4/3/2013 12:44:36 PM