Page 43: of Marine News Magazine (April 2013)
Offshore Service Operators
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under the Radar. Nevertheless, and in March, David Cantu, Vice President of IT at Houston-based Black Elk En- ergy Offshore Operations, LLC told MarineNews , ?We needed more than VSAT, we needed a way to increase the ef ciency by which we managed the eet. We wanted to see the ves- sel loads in near real time to assist in logistics decision making. A VSAT solution that included precise vessel mapping and integrated photos of the back desk was critical to our deci-sion. The ESSI Deck Vision solution coupled with the Hughes Maritime Broadband service helps us operate more ef ciently than ever.? Lee Johnson, SVP & Chief Infor- mation Of cer at GulfMark Offshore echoed those remarks when he de- clared, ?At GulfMark, we were inter- ested in more than just VSAT for in- ternet and voice service, we are looking for new applications to enhance opera- tional ef ciency and safety. GulfMark is reviewing applications such as en- gine monitoring, document synchro- nization, global mapping & redundant fail-over by leveraging VSAT?s value proposition. This helps increase the value of the investment GulfMark has made in the overall solution.? For offshore service providers, the increasingly sophisticated nature of doing business is driving the need for more bandwidth and VSAT services, packaged attractively and with real util- ity. Emil Regard, recognizing today?s offshore conditions and also allud- ing to the comments above, nished by saying simply, ?The buyer is now much more sophisticated now in the offshore markets. It is typically not the of ce manager anymore; it is corporate IT. And because that?s where Hughes came from and who they have always dealt with, both ESSI and Hughes like where the market is evolving.? Global Marine Power, LLC is a marine and stationary power plant equipment supply and repair company. We carry a very large inventory of engine spares turbocharges/spares, compressors and centrifuges. Having a large inventory of engine spares means we can ship at short notice. s Marine engines and spares s Power plant spares s Turbochargers and spares s Bergen K,B,C Series Spares s Wartsila 20,22,25,26,32 Series s MAN 28/32,32/40,48/60 Spares s Mak M20,M25,M32,M43,M453 We specialize in Bergen - Normo, Wartsila, MaK and MAN B&W Engine Spares GlobalMarinePower.commarine engines s power plants s turbochargers6720 C Mayfair StHouston, TX 77087 USAt: +1 713 640 9300f: +1 713 640 9302www.globalmarinepower.com www.marinelink.com MN 43MN April2013 Layout 32-49.indd 43MN April2013 Layout 32-49.indd 434/1/2013 12:28:10 PM4/1/2013 12:28:10 PM