Page 53: of Marine News Magazine (April 2013)
Offshore Service Operators
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Walker Crowley Honored for USSMA Contributions Crowley Maritime Corp. President, Chairman and CEO Tom Crowley became an honorary alumnus of the United States Merchant Marine Acad- emy (USMMA) during a special ban-quet held in his honor. The USMMA Alumni Association and Foundation recognized Crowley for his years of support of the academy and its cadets in front of more than 130 guests, in- cluding past and present Crowley em- ployees and USMMA graduates, at the University Club in Jacksonville, Fla. 17 Professionals Graduate from CPE Program The CertiÞ ed Port Executive Pro- gram (CPE) welcomed seventeen new graduates who completed the program on March 15 at the Port of New Or- leans in New Orleans. The new gradu- ates join a growing alumnus of port, transportation, coast guard and mili- tary personnel who have participated in the program since its creation in 2010. The CPE CertiÞ ed Port Execu- tive Program is a Þ ve-day professional education course focused on the opera-tions of ports, vessels, marine terminals and the related transportation system. Course topics include an overview of the worldwide intermodal transporta- tion system; port and terminal opera- tions; cargo management; safety and security; emergency planning and re- sponse; public and media relations; environmental management; and stra- tegic, master, and business planning. AWO, TVIB Agree on Auditor Training, CertiÞ cation The American Waterways Opera- tors President and CEO Tom Alle- gretti announced that AWO entered an agreement with the Towing Vessel Inspection Bureau under which the TVIB will take over the responsibil- ity for training and certifying AWO Responsible Carrier Program auditors later this year. The Þ rst TVIB-led au- ditor classes will be held this summer. Braemar Engineering Announces LNG Fueling One Stop Shop Braemar Engineering has launched a new venture which recognizes the LNG as a global maritime fuel source. Geoff Green, Managing Director of Braemar Engineering, said Braemar will take its experience and skills in dynamic positioning (DP), LNG in the marine environment, LNG sup- ply and application to a new opera- tion that will advise on every aspect of the use of LNG as a fuel source in the offshore sector. Seaway Navigation Season Begins The 2013 Great Lakes shipping sea- son began on March 2 with the sailing of the tug/barge unit Prentiss Brown/ St. MaryÕs Conquest, which departed its winter lay-up berth in Milwaukee and sailed for Charlevoix, Michigan, where it loaded 9,200 tons of cement for delivery to Chicago. Over the next several weeks, 52 more U.S.-ß ag lak- ers will return to service and spend 10-plus months hauling the raw ma-terials that are the foundation of the industrial heartland. PVA, Coast Guard Agree on Fire Protection Guidelines The Passenger Vessel Association (PVA) and the U.S. Coast Guard signed an agreement on policy re- garding Coast Guard approval of Þ re protection for newly constructed high-speed vessels. This agreement is critical to the U.S. shipbuilding industry to ensure delivery of Coast Guard-approved high-speed passen- ger vessels. The agreement, the prod- uct of a chartered working group of experienced PVA member industry experts and Coast Guard policy spe- cialists, details guidelines for pre- approved design criteria including seating arrangements and space di-mensions. This solution allows boat builders to meet the standards of Þ re safety while facilitating the building of lightweight high-speed aluminum vessels, currently in strong demand. The revisions to Coast Guard Navi- gation and Vessel Inspection Circular (NVIC) 9-97-1 were produced utiliz- ing research advances in Þ re modeling from the designs of working vessels to most accurately test dimensions and conÞ gurations with performance- based engineering analysis.WQIS, ASA Agree The Water Quality Insurance Syn- dicate (WQIS) have been accepted as a Corporate Associate member of the American Salvage Association (ASA). KrantzCPEKaplanPersonCrowley MN 53www.marinelink.com MN April2013 Layout 50-58.indd 53MN April2013 Layout 50-58.indd 534/2/2013 10:05:57 AM4/2/2013 10:05:57 AM