Page 56: of Marine News Magazine (April 2013)
Offshore Service Operators
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PRODUCTSRule?s EV8000-100 Portable Pump With 8,000 gallons per hour ca- pacity, this pump is an alternative to portable gasoline and diesel pumps. A 25-foot cable equipped with clamps allows for the easy reaching to a deep cycle battery. Designed for heavy work, the EV8000 can suck up water without absorbing litter. The EV8000 is equipped with two independent 4,000 GPH motor pumps. www.rulepumpsupply.com Global Satellite Self-Contained Tracker Global Satellite USA launched GSatMicro, powered by GSatTrack. com, a self-contained satellite tracking device that can track and monitor as-sets globally, utilizing the Iridium net- work. Built with security in mind, it has 256-encryption and measures 42mm x 51mm x 32mm in size and includes a battery, modem and antenna. GSAT Micro is best suited for tracking and monitoring boats, ß eets of ships simultaneously (one unit per ship), tenders, crew or even equipment. The tracker can be set to prevent a boat beyond its boundaries to start up again. www.globalsatellite.us Honda BF250 Engine HondaÕs BF250 is the ß agship of its V6 range and combines a 3.6L V6 EFI engine with the worldÕs Þ rst direct air induction system in an outboard to deliver improved over- all performance and fuel economy. www.marine.honda.com Speed Boat Entrapment DeviceBCB InternationalÕs Buccaneer Lightweight Interceptor (BUC LWI) enables security teams to intercept, entrap and disable fast vessels used in narcotics trafÞ ck-ing, piracy or terrorist acts without using deadly force. The Buccaneer Lightweight Interceptor (BUC LWI) uses com- pressed air and interchangeable barrels to project ß oating entanglement lines and other vessel disabling projectiles. The BUC LWI is an ideal non-lethal solution because it can Þ t inside Rigid Inß atable Boats used by security teams and stop in its tracks a suspicious vessel travelling up to 40 knots without the unnecessary loss of life. www.bcbin.com John Deere Power Systems John Deere Power Systems manufactures and markets die- sel engines to meet marine customer needs in commercial and recreational applications worldwide. John Deere Pow- erTech marine engines are built for power, reliable perfor- mance, long life, fuel efÞ ciency, quiet operation, ease of maintenance and simpliÞ ed integration. The John Deere lineup of propulsion engines offers power ratings from 56 kW to 559 kW (75 hp to 750 hp). www.JohnDeere.com/marine Laborde Repowers Bahamas RoRo Carrier Laborde Products recently put a second pair of Mitsubishi engines in service in Nassau, Bahamas for the RoRo Company. The Þ rst boat repowered was the 165Õ KCT, which has a pair of Mitsubishi S6R-Y2MPTK engines rated 630 hp at 1,600 rpm installed. The second vessel, the 190Õ Vi-Nais, has a pair of S6R2- MPTK2 engines rated 927 hp at 1,400 rpm installed. www.labordeproducts.com Rolls-Royce Propulsion for Battery Powered Ferry Rolls- Royce plc signed a contract for the delivery of its Azipull propulsion and control system for the Ôferry of the futureÕ, a new vessel which will op- erate on battery power alone. The tender called for a ferry that was 15-20% more energy efÞ cient than existing vessels. The Rolls- Royce Azipull propulsion system, which utilizes pulling propellers as opposed to conventional azimuth thrusters will help the battery powered, aluminum catamaran meet these standards. The ferry will charge its lithium-ion batteries while loading or unloading cars. www.rolls-royce.com Cummins Tier Three Engines Cummins Inc. announced the avail- ability of its U.S. EPA Tier Three certi- Þ ed QSK19 and QSK60 marine engines. Cummins Tier Three solutions reduce emissions in-cylinder without aftertreat- ment. Cummins Tier three marine product line will serve as the platform for future, more stringent emissions in the U.S. and globally. Representing a 50% reduction in particulate matter (PM) and a 20% reduction in NOx compared to Tier 2 stan- dards, the EPAÕs Tier three marine emissions regulation went into effect January 1, 2012 for Cummins engines between 3.5 and 7.0 liters per cylinder and continues through 2014. www.marinecummins.com April 201356 MNMN April2013 Layout 50-58.indd 56MN April2013 Layout 50-58.indd 564/2/2013 10:08:28 AM4/2/2013 10:08:28 AM