Page 58: of Marine News Magazine (May 2013)
Combat & Patrol Craft Annual
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PRODUCTSComnav Marine?s Thermal Night Vision Camera Delivering images in darkness, fog, snow, rain and low light conditions, ComNav Dig- ital Pattern Enhancement (DPE) provides high resolution images under any conditions. Night docking and close proximity maneuvering are made easier and safer when using this type of thermal night vision. www.comnav.com SURVICE Announces Patent for ARGUS The U.S. Patent and Trademark OfÞ ce has issued a patent for the ARGUS (Auton- omous Remote Global Underwater Surveil- lance) system, which automates the acquisi-tion and processing of depth, environmental and meteorological data for government, commercial, academ- ic and other organizations. The autonomous onboard system continuously processes and transmits GPS position and single- beam sonar data from a growing network of mobile marine platforms to supplement outdated nautical charts. www.argus.survice.com Scanstrut Launches Rokk Range Mounts Scanstrut Ltd, launched a new range of adapt- able, multi-position mounts for installing chart- plotters onboard smaller watercraft. Designed to keep electronics safe and visible, there are three models in the Rokk Range: Adjustable Deck Mount, Adjustable Rail Mount and Rail Mount. www.scanstrut.com Southco?s Marine Bumper Accessories Southco, Inc. added an optional rubber bumper accessory to the C2 Lever Latch and C5 Sealed Lever Latch product lines that pro- vides consistent compression and reduces wear, vibration and noise. The bumper delivers high mechanical perfor- mance and compensates for misalignment. The sealed C5 protects against water and dust, and locking options on both models provide added security. www.southco.com VMT Releases Latest Lifeboat Training Simulator Virtual Marine Technology (VMT) released SurvivalQuest Lifeboat Simulator System, an enclosed cabin, full mission simulator system which uses lifeboat-speciÞ c helm controls and virtual environments to allow practice of emergency lifeboat launches too dangerous to complete using conventional training and drills. www.vmtechnology.ca WSS and the Nal eet Potable Water Test Kit The Maritime Labor Convention (MLC 2006) will set out regulations specifying the need to maintain high quality drink-ing water standards onboard vessels. Wil- helmsen Ships Service (WSS) launched the Nalß eet Potable Water Test Kit. The basic Nalß eet Potable Water Kit includes test equipment for E Coli and Coliform bacteria, chlorine and pH, and an incubator and UV Lamp for detection of E Coli bacteria, ensuring consistent results. www.wilhelmsen.com/shipsservice Emuge-Franken TOP-Cut Emuge introduced High Performance TOP-Cut Roughing and Finishing End Mills. With one Emuge-Franken TOP-Cut carbide end mill, both roughing and Þ nish-ing operations can be performed, signiÞ -cantly reducing vibration, the number of tools and changes. www.emuge.com Explore Marine Colors with ECDIS Reliability MoxaÕs MD-119 marine display is now available in a variety of customizable models. The MD-119 Series is fully com- pliant with the industrial marine stan-dards IEC 60945 4th, IEC 61174, DNV, and IACS-E10. With a 19-inch screen, 4:3 aspect ratio, and full HD (1280 x 1024) resolution, the MD-119 series brings full range dimming and wide angle viewing together with optical bonding, touch screens, and ECDIS solutions to of- fer highly serviceable conÞ gurations for any need. www.moxa.com Norton Abrasives Update CatalogNorton Abrasives updated its Weld- ing and Metal Fabrication Market Cat- alog. The 180-page catalog reß ects the latest changes to the Norton and Merit product lines. New product and tech- nology additions in the updated cata-log include zirconia grain technology product portfolio for the Norton BlueFire depressed cen- ter wheels, portable cups, cut-off wheels, ß ap discs, Þ ber discs, belts and quick-change cloth discs. Patent-pending surface conditioning discs and belts for stripping (Rapid- Strip), blending (Rapid Blend) and Þ nishing (RapidPrep), designed to reduce steps in the Þ nishing process, have been added to the catalog. www.nortonindustrial.com May 201358 MNMN May2013 Layout 50-59.indd 58MN May2013 Layout 50-59.indd 585/3/2013 1:01:52 PM5/3/2013 1:01:52 PM