Page 46: of Marine News Magazine (January 2014)
Tug Boat Technology
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Eastern Shipbuilding Group launched the HOS BAYOU (Hull 205) in November for Hornbeck Offshore Services,
LLC. The launching event was held at Eastern’s Allanton facility with hundreds of Eastern Employees and Guests at- tending, including Mr. Jack Reid, Florida’s Governor Rick
Scott’s Regional Representative. The HOS BAYOU follows the HOS RED DAWN, and the HOS RED ROCK out of
ESG’s yards, both now on charter working in the Gulf of
Mexico. The vessel is the fi fth of twelve HOSMAX Offshore
Supply Vessels and MPSV’s under contract with Eastern.
HOS RENAISSANCE is expected to deliver this month and the HOS RIVERBEND is currently at Eastern completing fi nal outfi tting, regulatory and DP-2 trials. The HOS BAY-
OU is the fi rst of six (6) vessel Eastern vessels designated as the HOSMAX 310 series by Hornbeck Offshore and is a
Diesel-Electric powered, twin Z-drive propelled OSV. These high-tech vessels feature four Caterpillar 3516C 16-cylinder turbo-charged Tier III diesel generator engines each rated at 1,825 kW at 1,800 rpm. Main propulsion power is provided by two GE Energy furnished Hyundai 2,500 kW 690VAC electric motors driving two Schottel SRP 2020 FP Z-Drives with nozzles rated at 2,500 kW at 1,025 rpm each for a total of 6,704 Hp. Schottel also provides two STT 4 fi xed pitch tunnel thrusters rated at 1,180 kW at 1,170 rpm, each with direct coupled Hyundai 690VAC electric motors. GE
Energy Power Conversions provides the complete system integrated diesel electric package, including the propulsion and thruster drives, motors, control systems, DP system, switchboards, motor control centers, automation and navi- gation/communication electronics. These vessels are capable of a maximum speed of 14 knots with a cruising speed of 12 knots. The fully integrated bridge is arranged for increased visibility and features the latest technology in navigation, communication equipment.
STX Canada Marine and Eastern Shipbuilding pro- vided the design for these vessels from the proven Eastern
Shipbuilding “Tiger Shark Class” Series. Eight (8) other
Offshore Supply Vessels in this series have been delivered to Eastern’s clients and have already proven themselves in worldwide operations.
Marcon International, Inc. has brokered the sale of the 5,570BHP tug Jabbar. The tug has been sold by Awal Marine
Services of Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain to TradeWinds
Towing LLC of Saint Augustine, Florida. Jabbar was orig- inally built by Main Iron Works of Houma, Louisiana as their Hull 335 for McAllister Towing & Transportation of
New York. The 38.14m (126.0’) x 10.98m (36.0’) x 5.67m (18.6’) depth tug is powered by a pair of recently overhauled
EMD16-645E7B diesels with fi xed pitch props in kort noz- zles developing a total of 5,750BHP at 900RPM. Maneu- verability is enhanced by two fl anking rudders forward of each propeller, in addition to the main rudders and a bow thruster. Towing gear consists of a 150 tonne brake Smatco 66DAW-200 double drum winch; 10T tugger winch; open stern with a 3.15m x 0.914m 100mt stern roller; 200 tons hydraulic shark jaws & angular Smith Berger hydraulic tow pins installed new in 2007 in addition to two 5 tonne hy- draulic berthing / unberthing winches forward. External fi refi ghting is provided by a 5,000gpm fi re pump driven by a
GM16V71 is connected to a water / foam monitor and ship’s power provided by three 95kW / GM8V71 230/115vAC 60Hz generators. Tankage includes 112,000g fuel, 24,000g fresh water, 3,408g foam and 2,090g dispersant. “Jabbar” is classed ABS +A1, Towing Service, +AMS valid through June 2018. The tug, renamed “Isabelle”, will operate under Vanu- atu registry performing coastwise and ocean tows including project cargoes, marine salvage, rescue towage, and dredging & construction support within the Gulf of Mexico, Carib- bean and Central & South America.
Main Iron Works Built Tug Returning Home
Total Fuel Oil Capacity: 285 Liquid Mud Capacity: 21
Fuel Oil Day-tanks: 23 Dry-bulk Mud: 14
Drill Water/Ballast Capacity: 609 Methanol Capacity: 2
Potable Water Capacity: 62 Clear Deck Area: 11
The HOSMAX 310 Offshore Support Vessel at a glance …
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