Page 58: of Marine News Magazine (January 2014)
Tug Boat Technology
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STAUFF Filters
Provide Continuous
Clean Oil Flow
STAUFF Offl ine Filters continu- ously fi lter Gearbox or Hydraulic
Oil using Radial Micro Filtration.
Particles as small as 0.5 micron are removed resulting in less downtime and repairs. STAUFF offl ine fi lters employ an integrated motor/pump unit that draws the oil through the fi lter and pumps clean oil back into the system. Offl ine Filter Units con- tinue to work even when the main system is not in use. www.stauffusa.com
FlyMarker PRO: Hand-
Held Marking System
For durable marking of unmovable work in the ship building industry, a portable hand-held marking system means an enormous simplifi cation.
The hand-held marking system Fly-
Marker PRO of MARKATOR is battery operated and fl exible and weighs slightly over 4 kg and can be carried easily to mark work pieces directly on site. The control unit is protected against external infl u- ences. No annoying cables endanger the work. www.fl ymarker.com
The EcoMod Series
LED Floodlight
Phoenix Products Company’s Eco-
Mod LED fl oodlight offers 150W and 300W models with light out- puts of 12,500 and 25,000 lumens.
Packages range from wide fl ood to narrow spot optics to accommodate any application. The EcoMod Se- ries extends the life of the fi xture by allowing heat, water, and debris to fl ow between the modules. The fi x- ture offers the benefi ts that include maintenance reduction, energy sav- ings, and instant-on lighting. www.phoenixproducts.com
HGH Infrared
Systems’ Spynel-S
HGH Infrared Systems Spynel-S is an innovative real-time panoramic thermal imaging system with au- tomatic detection and tracking ca- pabilities. A key asset for maritime domain awareness, Spynel-S can successfully detect various large and small surface and air targets. Highly effective when tracking small boats,
RHIBs, and swimmers with its high resolution panoramic image, the
Spynel-S is a fully passive, compact and undetectable imaging system. www.hgh-infrared.com
Caterpillar’s Cat 3406C
Propulsion Engine
Caterpillar Marine’s 3406C propul- sion engine has entered production.
The 3406C will provide customers in lesser regulated countries with an economical, dependable solution for their commercial marine vessels.
The mechanically governed 3406C propulsion engine is available in rat- ings of 272 bkW @ 1800 rpm and 298 bkW @ 1800 rpm. The engine is ideal for small offshore, inland waterways and commercial fi shing applications. www.marine.cat.com
Floating Fender Rental from Trelleborg
Rental is a cost effective solution for temporary applications and Trel- leborg’s new foam and pneumatic rental service offers a wide range of products. All fenders are ISO 17357:2002 quality assured. Pneu- matic Fenders feature massive energy absorption, and have a low reaction force, making them ideal for protect- ing LNG vessels, ocean platforms, fl oating structures, large docks and many load sensitive structures. www.trelleborg.com/marine
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