Page 23: of Marine News Magazine (June 2014)
Dredging & Marine Construction
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It is true that most of America?s locks and dams were built in the 1920s and 1930s, yet are used to transport 21st century cargoes that fuel our modern economy. This criti- cal component of the transportation supply chain needs reinvestment and recapitalization, and any appropriate revenue bill that includes an industry sought increase in the user fee it pays is scally responsible. A similar letter was sent last Sep- tember to the House Ways & Means Committee and became the basis for a recommendation to raise the per- gallon user fee by 6 cents that ap- peared in Committee Chairman Dave Camp?s discussion draft of a bill on tax reform. And as this letter is testa- ment, collaboration is critical for tell-ing Congress what the people want; in this case, increased investment in a key component of the nation?s freight transportation network. See the Senate Finance Committee letter and its 82 signers here: http://waterwayscouncil.org/wp- content/uploads/2013/01/Senate-Finance-Letter-with-logos1.pdf mmÜÜWW==EEPPPPTTFFOOPPTTJJRRMMNNNN ccññWW==EEPPPPTTFF==UUPPTTJJTTTTUURRbbWW==ÜÜÉÉ~~ÇÇÑÑääììëëÜÜÉÉêê]]~~ÜÜÉÉ~~ÇÇíí~~ååââKKÅÅççããttÉÉÄÄWW==ïïïïïïKK~~ÜÜÉÉ~~ÇÇíí~~ååââKKÅÅççãã + +==``ÜÜÉÉããááÅÅ~~ää==ooÉÉëëááëëíí~~ååíí== + +==ooììëëíí==CC==``ççêêêêççëëááççåå==mmêêççççÑÑ==== + +==llÇÇççêê==ccêêÉÉÉÉ== + +==aaììêê~~ÄÄääÉÉ== + +==``ççããéé~~ÅÅíí==== + +==iiááÖÖÜÜíí==ttÉÉááÖÖÜÜííqqóóééÉÉ==ffff==ppÉÉïï~~ÖÖÉÉ==qqêêÉÉ~~ííããÉÉååíí==mmää~~ååíí==EEppqqmmFFrp=`ç~ëí=dì~êÇ=`ÉêíáÑáÉÇ ~åÇ=fjl=OMNM=^ééêçîÉÇ qqÜÜÉÉááëë==ÅÅççååëëííêêììÅÅííÉÉÇÇ==ççÑÑ==eeÉÉ~~îîóódd~~ììÖÖÉÉ==iiii==mmççääóóÉÉííÜÜÉÉääóóååÉÉ==ììëëááååÖÖ==ííÜÜÉÉ==ããççëëíí~~ÇÇîî~~ååÅÅÉÉÇÇ==ëëíí~~ííÉÉJJççÑÑJJííÜÜÉÉJJ~~êêíí==êêççíí~~ííááççåå~~ääããççääÇÇááååÖÖ==ééêêççÅÅÉÉëëëë==ÅÅêêÉÉ~~ííááååÖÖ==~~==ììååááíí==ííÜÜ~~íí==ááëëWW + +==iiççïï==jj~~ááååííÉÉåå~~ååÅÅÉÉWith more than 30 years of federal government expertise, Mike Toohey serves as WCI?s President and CEO. www.marinelink.com MN 23MN June14 Layout 18-31.indd 23MN June14 Layout 18-31.indd 235/20/2014 3:26:24 PM5/20/2014 3:26:24 PM