Page 43: of Marine News Magazine (July 2014)
ATB Technical Trends
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PROPULSIONTorqeedo, using only high-tech com- ponents. Deep Blue is environmental- ly friendly and the battery comes with a nine year capacity warranty. The drive system is available as inboard and outboard version with 40 hp and 80 hp. Twin systems can deliver up to 160 hp.? Zodiac MILPRO is currently us- ing the Deep Blue 80 hp electric out- board system with its 20 feet (6 metre) SRM600 professional RIB. Although industry has been work- ing on potential innovations in vari- ous types of engine and propulsion technology for many years there has been one constant question around the RHIB and high speed craft sec-tor: When will someone bring out a high performance diesel outboard? Marine Diesel of Sweden has talked openly about their diesel outboard development project for many years. The development has been taken over by the company Cimco Marinediesel, partially owned by Marinediesel in Sweden. Pre-launch information for a 200 hp diesel outboard named the OXE was recently released at HSBO in Sweden and MACC in the US. The turbocharged diesel engine is a proven design that has been marinized in cooperation with the GM Group. Innovative features include a high torque belt-transmission, plus compact design of the lower housing which re- duces drag and improves high speed capability. The engine runs on EN590, ASTM D 975, NATO F76, F75, F54, marine distillates DMX, DMA, (JP-5, JP-8, Jet A) fuel which gives high ex-ibility for operators. Christer Flodman, Technical Manager of Marine Diesel and the project manager for the OXE project said, ?We started this project with a mission to design the rst gener- ation of high output diesel outboards. Our key words were durability, endur- ance and performance. The patented technology has enabled us to design a robust drive unit that will effectively transfer high torque diesel power. Se- rial pre-production of the OXE diesel outboard engine is planned to com- mence in mid 2015.?Engines and propulsion systems that are designed and built for professional or commercial operations need to run hard, often for long hours in adverse sea conditions. Users must be able to rely on these products at all times. In certain situations, failure is not an op- tion ? the engineering must not break. Professional boat operators around the world have learned that power and performance are relevant, but reliabil- ity and durability, linked to a strong international service, spares and sup- port network are important factors for all types of propulsion solutions. mmÜÜWW==EEPPPPTTFFOOPPTTJJRRMMNNNN ccññWW==EEPPPPTTFF==UUPPTTJJTTTTUURRbbWW==ÜÜÉÉ~~ÇÇÑÑääììëëÜÜÉÉêê]]~~ÜÜÉÉ~~ÇÇíí~~ååââKKÅÅççããttÉÉÄÄWW==ïïïïïïKK~~ÜÜÉÉ~~ÇÇíí~~ååââKKÅÅççãã + +==``ÜÜÉÉããááÅÅ~~ää==ooÉÉëëááëëíí~~ååíí== + +==ooììëëíí==CC==``ççêêêêççëëááççåå==mmêêççççÑÑ==== + +==llÇÇççêê==ccêêÉÉÉÉ== + +==aaììêê~~ÄÄääÉÉ== + +==``ççããéé~~ÅÅíí==== + +==iiááÖÖÜÜíí==ttÉÉááÖÖÜÜííqqóóééÉÉ==ffff==ppÉÉïï~~ÖÖÉÉ==qqêêÉÉ~~ííããÉÉååíí==mmää~~ååíí==EEppqqmmFFrp=`ç~ëí=dì~êÇ=`ÉêíáÑáÉÇ ~åÇ=fjl=OMNM=^ééêçîÉÇ qqÜÜÉÉááëë==ÅÅççååëëííêêììÅÅííÉÉÇÇ==ççÑÑ==eeÉÉ~~îîóódd~~ììÖÖÉÉ==iiii==mmççääóóÉÉííÜÜÉÉääóóååÉÉ==ììëëááååÖÖ==ííÜÜÉÉ==ããççëëíí~~ÇÇîî~~ååÅÅÉÉÇÇ==ëëíí~~ííÉÉJJççÑÑJJííÜÜÉÉJJ~~êêíí==êêççíí~~ííááççåå~~ääããççääÇÇááååÖÖ==ééêêççÅÅÉÉëëëë==ÅÅêêÉÉ~~ííááååÖÖ==~~==ììååááíí==ííÜÜ~~íí==ááëëWW + +==iiççïï==jj~~ááååííÉÉåå~~ååÅÅÉÉJohn Haynes, AFNI, is a Yachtmaster Ocean and Advanced Powerboat Instructor. Subject matter expertise includes high speed craft consultancy, product development and specialist training. He is Operations Director of Shock Mitigation and founder of the RIB & High Speed Craft Directory that brings together specialist boats and equipment for the professional sector. www.marinelink.com MN 43MN July14 Layout 32-49.indd 43MN July14 Layout 32-49.indd 436/18/2014 3:43:48 PM6/18/2014 3:43:48 PM