Page 54: of Marine News Magazine (September 2014)
Inland Waterways
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PEOPLE & COMPANY NEWS USCG Finalizes Changes to Inland Nav RulesThe U.S. Coast Guard announced Wednesday the publication of the Þ nal rule Þ nalizing changes to the inland navigation rules and their an- nexes in 33 Code of Federal Regula- tions parts 83 through 88. This action aligns the Inland Navigation Rules in the Code of Federal Regulations with the amendments made by the IMOÕs International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, to which the United States is a signatory. The changes will reduce regulatory bur- dens by adding more options for ves- sel lighting, alleviating bell require- ments, explaining whistle equipment options and adding options for navi-gational equipment. The Þ nal rule can be found at: www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2014-07- 02/pdf/2014-14413.pdf AWO Joins EPA as SmartWay AfÞ liateThe American Waterways Operators has joined the SmartWay Transport Partnership, a collaboration between the U.S. EPA and stakeholders in the transportation industry that provides a framework to assess and improve environmental and energy efÞ ciency of goods movement within supply chains. Since 2004, nearly 3,000 partnering organizations have slashed their collective fuel costs by $16.8 bil- lion, reducing foreign oil imports by 120.7 million barrels. This fuel sav- ings has eliminated 51.6 million met-ric tons of carbon dioxide, 738,000 tons of oxides of nitrogen and 37,000 tons of particulate matter from the nationÕs air emissions. Vard Acquires STX Canada Marine Vard Holdings Limited has acquired STX Canada Marine Inc., a marine engineering and design company with more than 30 years history in North America. The sale, worth ap- proximately NOK 65 million, allows Vard to provide a broad range of naval architecture and marine engineering services world-wide, including all as- pects of ship design and production technology. ClassNK Acquires Cana- daÕs Helm Operations ClassNK has acquired Canada-based maritime software company Helm Operations. Tokyo-based ClassNK is one of the worldÕs largest classiÞ ca-tion societies and Helm Operations is provider of manning, maintenance, dispatch, and HSQE software to the workboat and offshore industries. Helm software is currently used on some 1,000 vessels, including those of SVITZER, Seaspan, Blessey Marine and Florida Marine Transporters. Phillips 66 CA Marine Fueling FacilityPhillips 66Õs marine over-the-water fueling facility at its Richmond, CA terminal is nearing completion. The facility is scheduled to come online in this month. Completion of this proj- ect will provide logistical advantages, including the ability to load diesel barges at Phillips 66Õs facilities. This addition will enhance safety while loading and improve the companyÕs ability to deliver product to Bay Area customers. Metal Shark Starts OperationsMetal Shark has commenced opera- tions at its new shipyard, where the Þ rst of its recently announced En- durance-class catamarans is now in production. In January, Metal Shark acquired a 25-acre waterfront tract situated on the Charenton Bypass Ca- nal in Franklin, LA, and announced plans to develop the new property into a facility to support its planned aluminum and steel shipbuilding ef-forts for vessels up to 250Õ in length. The new facility is now operational and production is underway. The Þ rst ship to take shape at the new yard is a 75Õ x 22Õ aluminum catamaran-hulled Metal Shark Endurance-class vessel built for a Louisiana port operator. ACL Presents Enviro Stewardship Awards American Commercial Lines in July recognized 35 customers with its Marine Environmental Stewardship Award. Recipients of the award in- clude CITGO Petroleum Corpora- tion; Consolidated Grain & Barge Co.; Cymetech Corporation; Dow Corning; Eastman Chemical Co.; ED&F Man Liquid Products LLC; Formosa Plastics; GulfMark Energy, Inc.; Koch Shipping; Kolmar Ameri- cas, Inc.; MEG Energy; MEGlobal Americas, Inc.; Neville Chemical Co.; Old World Industries, LLC; Phillips 66; Quality Liquid Feed Co.; Rentech Nitrogen Pasadena, LLC; SeaRiver Maritime, Inc.; Shell Chemical; Shell Trading Co.; Stryker Fuels, LLC; Su- noco Logistics; Texas Aromatics; Tri- con Energy Limited; Valicor, Inc.; and Vertex Energy, Inc. Marad, ABS Sign MOAThe U.S. Department of Transpor- tationÕs Maritime Administration (MARAD) and the American Bu- reau of Shipping (ABS) have signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) establishing policies and procedures for the survey and classiÞ cation of MARADÕs National Defense Reserve Fleet (NDRF). The MOA improves timelines, efÞ ciency and cost effec- tiveness for surveys and updates ter- September 201454 MNMN Sept14 Layout 50-59.indd 54MN Sept14 Layout 50-59.indd 548/20/2014 11:33:20 AM8/20/2014 11:33:20 AM