Page 23: of Marine News Magazine (March 2015)
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American-built provisions in the Jones Act would have dev- military, its offshore energy industry, or the population astating ripple effects on all the sea services. Its immediate centers and industries along our inland waterways that rely impact would be a reduction in the number of ships built on the safe and secure transportation of goods. Such a radi- in U.S. shipyards, which would result in a loss of jobs, a loss cal shift in U.S. policy would be disastrous to American of industrial knowledge and skills, and a loss in America’s jobs and security and seriously threaten our nation’s abil- edge in shipbuilding quality and technology.” ity to project power or deploy and sustain military forces
Standing the Test of Time: McCain stated that the Jones abroad. In the midst of so much progress and strength in
Act is “archaic” and has outlived its usefulness. In fact, the our shipbuilding sector, outsourcing this critical American
Jones Act has stood the test of time precisely because of industry is contrary to our national interests and makes its continued importance and has enjoyed the support of absolutely no sense.
every modern President. America is still every bit a mari- time nation. More than 90 percent of goods are shipped by water in the United States. We are also a world power and force for good whose military might requires a robust shipyard industrial base and skilled merchant mariners.
Editor’s Note
Waterborne transportation is still the lifeblood of U.S.
Senator McCain’s proposed amendment may have failed commerce, and the importance of preserving our nation’s on this occasion, but the fact that it got as far as it did security through industrial strength is not a passing trend.
should be of real concern to the domestic waterfront and its
A great nation such as ours cannot for one second en- stakeholders. OMSA and its members – and a dozen other tertain the notion that we should outsource to foreign na- organizations like it – remain on watch for the next assault. tions the ship construction and repair needs of America’s 23
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