Page 32: of Marine News Magazine (April 2015)
Shipyard Report: Construction & Repair
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INTERIOR DESIGN addition to the aesthetic ? nishes the exact same thing. throughout, feature an ergonomic Harvey Gulf, says Carroll, performs arrangement complimenting the MLC “gap analysis” on every vessel in 150 persons on board. The vessel is its ? eet. “GAP analysis is just compar- equipped with multiple conference ing your vessel against the regulations/ rooms, cinema, of? ces, gymnasiums, rules and identifying the gaps in com- lounges. Many of the crew cabins have pliance. For existing vessels, it means their own day rooms. Working and surveying the vessel’s design record hotel areas of the vessel are segregated as well as the vessel itself,” Carroll from the crew and passenger quarters. explains, continuing, “Through this
Lighting throughout the vessel is LED survey, a picture develops of the gaps which is less harsh on the eyes. The between regs and the vessel. Once bridge has been arranged to be ex- identi? ed, a plan/cost can be devel- tremely ergonomic with unobstructed oped to determine the feasibility of lines of sight. eliminating those gaps.”
The construction vessels are very MLC is more than just high end much a part of a strategy which will, mattresses and better movies. For ex- if necessary, allow Harvey Gulf to po- ample, there is a line of demarcation sition these vessels in international for vessels over 6000 GT that applies markets. And, in an energy market to the Code. And, as OSV’s have which is today anything but certain, grown in size and complexity, the that might be the difference between regulations have had to adjust accord- survival and failure. For example, all ingly. In the international spectrum, those rigs which departed the U.S. this is where the SPS Code has be-
Gulf in the messy wake of the Macon- come relevant. In the case of the US, do disaster needed support tonnage the USCG has created a policy letter in their new locations. Like the bal- for vessels over 6000 GT. The premise last water treatment equipment which is to increase the level of safety relative gives today’s OSV tonnage a “mov- to the size of the vessel, but also to the able” option to other international number of persons on board. Carroll markets, MLC compliance ensures adds, “The Coast Guard doesn’t nec-
April 2015
MN 32