Page 50: of Marine News Magazine (April 2015)
Shipyard Report: Construction & Repair
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Marciano Anderson Jensen Suarez members of the Passenger Vessel As- Sales Area Manager for Voith Schnei-
Dan-Bunkering (America)
Names Commercial Director sociation (PVA) elected their board der Propellers, based in Germany. Su-
Jim Jensen has been promoted to and PVA of? cers. Anderson is Gen- arez’s experience includes time spent
Commercial Director at Dan-Bun- eral Manager/Director of Operations as a naval architect, an application kering (America). Jensen has been of Fire Island Ferries, Inc., Bay Shore, engineer, project manager, surveyor, employed with Dan-Bunkering since NY on Long Island. The company and quality control of? cer. He studied 2008 when he started his career in has provided passenger service, freight Naval Architecture and Marine Engi-
Copenhagen, and he moved to a po- service, and water taxi service to Fire neering at the Technical University of sition in Dan-Bunkering (America) Island communities since 1948 and Madrid.
Inc. when the of? ce opened back in operates 23 subchapter T and K ves-
Delta “T” Systems Adds 2012. In addition to the promotion of sels ranging from 6 to 400 passen-
Mechanical Engineer
Jim Jensen two further Bunker Trad- gers. Anderson holds a 100 ton Mas-
Kyle Mooney has been hired by ers have also been employed. Nicholas ters license and serves on the Coast
Noble Boles and William Cline, both Guard’s Sector Long Island Sound Delta “T” Systems as the ? rm’s newest graduates of the University of Texas Area Maritime Security Committee, mechanical engineer. Mooney brings
A&M at Galveston, have assumed po-
Harbor Safety Committee, FSO and 11 years of 3D modeling experience, sitions with the ? rm.
CSO Security Committee, and the working for Waste Water Design. In
Committee for the Sector’s Maritime this position he drafted, built and in-
Dometic Americas Announces
Transportation System and Recovery stalled ? ltration systems for oil ? elds.
Organizational Realignment
Plan. Also elected to terms as PVA In his new role, Mooney will be re-
Dometic Group has realigned the Of? cers for 2015 were PVA Vice sponsible for building new product
Dometic Americas organization. President Margo Marks, Beaver Island ideas in 3D modeling software, and
The realignment, done in conjunc- Boat Company, Charlevoix, MI; and testing heat transfer and load. Addi- tion with the integration of Atwood PVA Secretary-Treasurer Jeff Whitak- tionally, he will assist in constructing
Mobile Products, will complement er, Hudson River Cruises, Inc., Kings- and testing prototypes in preparation and enhance Dometic’s core business ton, NY.
for production. He will graduate from strategy. Frank Marciano will contin- Florida Atlantic University with a B.S. ue to serve as President of the Ameri- in mechanical engineering this spring.
Voith Turbo Names cas as well as Acting Business Leader
Suarez VP Americas
ENMET, LLC Appoints Davis as for Americas Marine Division. Javier Suarez will be the new Vice
President Americas for the Power,
Norman Davis, Jr. is the new Presi-
PVA Elects 2015 Of? cers
Oil, and Gas division’s Marine group
Dave Anderson has been elected at Voith Turbo. Suarez will also be a dent of ENMET, LLC, succeeding as PVA President for 2015. Dur- member of the global Voith Marine Dr. Verne Brown who held that posi- ing the PVA Annual Convention management team. He has extensive tion for 43 years until his passing. Mr.
Davis brings a background in execu- at MariTrends 2015, held January experience in the marine industry, in- 31-February 3 in Long Beach, CA, cluding four years at Voith Turbo as tive management and in business de-
April 2015 50