Page 20: of Marine News Magazine (September 2015)
Inland Waterways
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W D ? sion about cyber as it relates to your operations. Let us
In general, we understand when it’s time to see our doc- know about best practices that can be shared with other tor if injured or ill. Coast Guard regulations require vessel partners, and recommendations you have to increase cyber and facility operators to notify the Coast Guard of a breach awareness within the port. Also, visit https://homeport.
in security and of suspicious activity. These requirements uscg.mil/ for up-to-date cybersecurity information from apply equally for cyber and non-cyber related incidents, the U.S. Coast Guard. Just as your healthcare is a team ef- provided the cyber activity could plausibly lead to a TSI, fort, so, too, is cyber risk management. By working togeth- pollution incident or marine casualty. Attacks or unex- er, we can reduce the risk to our country’s cyber health.
plained failures of industrial control and SCADA systems with connections to the MTS fall within this category. Re- porting informs the Captain of the Port of the potential for more widespread cyber and physical attacks and to take appropriate action.
As cyber risks are real and growing, so too is our com- mitment to address them. The U.S. Coast Guard is work- ing to develop voluntary risked-based vulnerability assess- ment tools and standards for ports, vessels and facilities to
LCDR Josh Rose is the Critical Infrastructure Branch help industry address cyber risk management in a system-
Chief within the Of? ce of Port & Facility Compliance. Rose atic way. We are also taking measures to protect our own graduated from the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in 2002 systems, and to address cyber at the Port level through Area with a BS in Management and has earned an MA from
Maritime Security Committees (AMSCs). Participation in
University of North Florida in Public Administration. your local AMSC is an excellent way to learn more about
Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Osburn is assigned cyber risks and to promote cyber security and resilience to Coast Guard Headquarters in the Cargo and Facility in the maritime domain. For more information, go to the
Security Branch where she is responsible for, among other cyber security section of Homeport on www.uscg.mil. things, enforcement of the Maritime Transportation
While cyber is a new type of risk, it is also just the lat-
Security Act. Osburn joined the Coast Guard in 1992 est in a long line of challenges that the marine industry and completed Of? cer Candidate School in 2003. She and the Coast Guard have addressed and solved together. has earned a BS in Business Management and a Masters
In order to produce the best policies, we need the help of in Management.
professional mariners and the public. Please reach out to your local U.S. Coast Guard units and begin the discus-
September 2015
MN 20