Page 34: of Marine News Magazine (December 2015)
Innovative Products & Boats of 2015
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INNOVATIVE BOATS the Best of 2015
Throughout 2015 MarineNews highlighted the best of boatbuilding for the North Amer- ican inland, coastal and Great Lakes markets. As the year winds to a close, this month we celebrate the innovation and design excellence emanating from the workboat sectors.
HARVEY POWER Wing P4.7 In? atable
Gulf Coast Shipyard Group (GCSG) has delivered Har- Wing replacement collars can be found on the major- vey Power, the second LNG vessel operating in the United ity of U.S. commercial and military RHIBs in the United
States, for service to Shell Upstream America’s deep water States. Beyond this, Wing is the largest U.S. supplier of in- operations in the Gulf of Mexico. The second of six LNG ? atable tubes for RHIBs in service with the United States
OSVs being built for Harvey Gulf International Marine, Navy and they boast a robust export client list. Just recent- and like her sistership Harvey Energy, Harvey Power is ca- ly, Wing made huge expansions in its in? atable boat line. pable of operating on LNG or diesel fuel. Along with be- In late 2014, the US Air Force Special Operations Com- ing able to operate on LNG, she also meets the strident cri- mand committed to Wing in? atable boats with the P4.7 teria of the ABS Enviro+, Green Passport notation. When to replace their aging Zodiac line. In early 2015, AFSOC operating on LNG, these vessels exceeds the new Tier IV doubled their order, and then the US Air Force Guard- emissions regulations requiring lower sulphur oxides and ian Angels made their commitment to a ? eet change of nitrogen oxides emissions as part of the North American the same craft. Just recently, the US Navy’s Naval Special
Emission Control Area (ECA). She will refuel with LNG Warfare made a signi? cant commitment to Wing P4.7s to at Harvey Gulf’s new LNG bunkering facility at Port revamp and elevate their in? atable boat ? eet. Next came
Fourchon in southern Louisiana which allows easy access the Army: with their partner ADS serving as the Prime to more than 600 oil and gas rigs and platforms within a Contractor, Wing just commenced producing for the 40-mile radius. U.S. Army’s FoBaM (Family of Boats and Motors) con-
December 2015
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