Page 52: of Marine News Magazine (December 2015)
Innovative Products & Boats of 2015
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Mayhall Roth Smith Martin de Rubertis Brann sociation (OMSA) appointed Aaron
Martin, Carlson Join Brann Joins The
Smith as President and CEO. Smith’s
Harley Marine Shearer Group Team
Harley Marine Services said that Don appointment follows the resignation The Shearer Group, Inc. (TSGI) has
Martin has been named Vice Presi- of Ben Billings, who led OMSA since added to its naval architecture, ma- dent and General Counsel and Steve 2013. Smith was instrumental in the rine engineering and marine survey-
Carlson has joined the company as development of OSVDPA, a dynam- ing practice. Harrison Brann joined
Vice President of Engineering. Prior ic positioning certi? cation authority TSGI in October of 2015 as a naval to joining Harley Marine, Martin for the OSV industry. Prior to that, architect. Harrison graduated with a was the Vice President and Gen- he served in Washington, D.C. as bachelor’s degree in naval architecture and marine engineering from Vir- eral Counsel for Delta Western and Deputy Chief of Staff to Congress-
Hawaii Petroleum. He attended the man Jeff Landry. ginia Polytechnic Institute and State
University of Washington, California University. Prior to ABS, Harrison
Bollinger Adds Mayhall
Maritime Academy, and holds a Juris worked at ICI Services Corporation
Doctorate degree from the University Bollinger Shipyards has added Joe as an associate naval architect working of the Puget Sound. Carlson joins Mayhall to its corporate sales and mar- on systems design and integration for
Harley Marine Services from Alaska keting team. Mayhall is a veteran of various marine projects.
Marine Lines (AML) where he served new construction and ship repair sales and has worked in increasingly respon- as General Manager of Marine Engi-
AEU’s Stuardi Appointed neering. Prior to joining AML, Steve sible positions, overseeing blue water to SCA Committee held senior leadership positions with ship repair and new construction sales
The American Equity Underwriters
Kvichak Marine and the U.S. Coast in the oil? eld and passenger vessel mar-
Guard. He is a graduate of the U.S. kets as well as coordinating advertising Vice President of Business Develop- ment, Rob Stuardi, has been ap- and marketing.
Coast Guard Academy.
pointed to the Shipbuilder’s Council of America’s (SCA) Industry Partners’
Signal Names Roth VP de Rubertis Joins EBDG
EBDG recently announced the hire Signal International, LLC named Committee. AEU is a member of this
Ryan Roth, P.E. as vice president nationally prominent association based of Human Resources Generalist, Car- on its longstanding support of the na- olyn de Rubertis in its Seattle of? ce. of sales and marketing for its Signal tion’s shipbuilding and repair industry.
Ship Repair division in Mobile, Ala-
She brings more than 20 years of ex- bama. Since joining the organization perience to her role, as well as a prov-
Quinn New MLA Proctor en track record of strong leadership. in August 2010, Roth has held sev-
A graduate of Occidental College, de eral positions as engineering manager, Lori J. Quinn of Marshall Dennehey estimating manager, and director of Warner Coleman & Goggin, has been
Rubertis has a BA in American Stud- ies and a MS in Industrial Relations business development for Signal. He named a “Proctor in Admiralty” by is a licensed professional engineer and the Maritime Law Association of the from the University of New Haven.
United States (MLA). The Proctor in holds a Bachelor of Science in Me- chanical Engineering from Auburn Admiralty designation re? ects the or-
OMSA Names Smith as ganization’s most distinguished class of
University, as well as a Master of Busi-
President, CEO membership for those who have met ness Administration from the Univer-
The Offshore Marine Services As- stringent professional and educational sity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
December 2015
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