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High Tech Training for
Inland Applications ransas, a global provider of high tech solutions and navigation is only possible by inland waters. This causes spe- services for the maritime industry, has supplied the ci? c training needs, which are con? dently met by the Transas ? rst simulation complex for inland navigation train- simulation systems with inland navigation features.
T ing in the Republic of Paraguay. The news is signi? cant, The project was carried out in conjunction with VTG especially as South America’s bread basket countries and S.R.L., the Transas’ local representative, which is covering bulk material providers both ramp up their inland capa- commercial and technical needs of the Paraguayan mar- bilities to better transport cargoes from the heartland to ket for all Transas products. The NTPRO version 5.35 the coast for eventual export. installed at the CAFyM center is an ideal training solu-
In years past, moving cargoes from 1,000 miles inland – tion due to its new capabilities for operation with different on the mighty Amazon River, for example – to the big coast- types of boats and barges in river waters. The simulator’s al ports for transshipment involved ? nding and buying an con? guration comprises four visual channels based on the old, secondhand towboat being cast aside by a U.S. Missis- Transas Seagull 6000 visualization software, conning mod- sippi River operator. Those days are gone forever, though, as ule, ECDIS and ARPA/Radar. An additional maneuvering
South American countries look to more ef? ciently get their console is provided with the dedicated hardware to simu- goods to market. Bigger, modern, built-for-purpose boats late maneuvering of conventional boats and push boats. especially designed for south American waters, equipped During the ceremony, Juan Carlos Muñoz Menha gave with sophisticated controls, navigation and propulsion sys- a presentation on capabilities of the new Transas simulator tem are rapidly, one-by-one, modernizing the way South through various exercises, detailing possible applications,
America conducts its shortsea and inland business. As that and highlighted the valuable contribution and support of happens, training will be a bigger part of the equation. Transas and VTG S. R. L. throughout the whole project.
To that end, a Transas navigational simulator Navi-Trainer Globally, Transas offers best-in-class navigation systems
Professional 5000 was installed at the Center for Maritime and integrated bridge solutions, recognized training and and River Shipowners (CAFyM) in Asuncion, Paraguay for simulation solutions, well-known VTMS and coastal sur- training crews in tugs operations in the Parana-Paraguay veillance systems, ? eet management systems, onboard and
Waterway. Transas provided these capabilities in accordance individual decision support systems for professional crew with Paraguayan market demands. The Republic of Para- and pilots, as well as popular applications for leisure and guay has a special geographical position being located within the marine mass market. Transas operates more than 20 the basin of the waterway, the most commercially important own regional of? ces and has a global network of partners river system in South America. The country is surrounded by serving Transas customers globally.
two large rivers, the Paraguay River and Parana River, where On the Web: www.transas.com 47 www.marinelink.com MN
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