Page 19: of Marine News Magazine (February 2016)
Dredging & Marine Construction
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rest hours. The point of this sea story isn’t to lay blame ing being outside of the chain of command. It is also true based on 20/20 hindsight; rather it’s an example of when that it’s increasingly hard for smaller companies to ensure the DPA might be contacted. Perhaps contacting the DPA, the DPA’s job responsibilities are outside of the chain of who may or may not have arranged for a longer port stay, command. However, this is not just another hat that this wouldn’t have prevented the cargo loss, but at least the person (the DPA) is going to wear; rather, it’s the main hat company would have been aware of the vessel personnel’s they will wear.
concern prior to the loss occurring. And, what is most im- The port captain, port engineer, vessel superintendents, portant about this story is the understanding that contact- and the vessel’s other main conduits to shore side opera- ing the DPA is only an available option if the master and tions, including anyone responsible for approval of repairs, crew know the option exists. make for poor DPA choices. Instead, select someone with
Some may be concerned that a call to a DPA is a crew- strong communications with the vessel crews so that crew- member going around the master. While the chain of com- members feel con? dent and safe contacting the DPA – mand is very important at sea, there can be no blocked someone who will maintain constant and routine dialog valves in your system. Concerns of crew members at all lev- with the crews so the individual is recognized as the DPA. els must be freely shared, not sti? ed. Sometimes the mas- Beyond this, Auditors are very keen to look at the compa- ter’s relationship with the crew is the issue itself. Or, per- ny’s organization chart, to see that the position of DPA is haps the crewmember has tried to resolve issues through included, to whom the position reports to, and if the DPA the chain of command, to no avail. Arguably, it is then far has any solid or dotted lines to upper level management.
better for the DPA to be able to resolve issues, early on.
Choosing the right person with the right mix of per- sonality and communication skills to serve as the DPA is
Captain Katharine Sweeney is CEO paramount. This person is tasked with crucial job respon- of Compliance Maritime, provider sibilities that could expose your company to great risk if of independent internal auditing mishandled. The DPA can be a key individual both in pre- of security, safety, quality and venting litigation and when litigation is underway. Origi- environmental management systems nally the title of DPA was simply Designated Person (DP) for vessel operators. Captain Sweeney is an experienced and some companies used their vessel masters as the DP.
Master Mariner, safety expert and federally licensed pilot
The code was then revised to Designated Person Ashore. with over 25 years in the Maritime Industry. Contact her
Clearly, it is dif? cult for the master to access top-level at [email protected] management, and to meet the other requirements, includ- www.marinelink.com MN 19
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