Page 31: of Marine News Magazine (February 2016)
Dredging & Marine Construction
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ordination in Our Ports Act of 2015’’), S C M ments to rule-making dockets, attend
UB HAPTER which would require signi? cant ac- Towing Vessel Regulations remain a public hearings, or follow and com- tion to reduce cyber risks in our ports. focal point and continue to receive sig- ment on Maritime Commons, which
Regardless of the outcome, the Coast ni? cant attention from the Coast Guard is our newly established blog for
Guard will be focused on providing and the Department of Homeland Se- maritime industry. I look forward to policy, training, tools, and regimes to curity. We will continue to work the hearing from you. I am con? dent that reduce cyber risk in the MTS. You policy, process and training required to with your help, we will see great prog- should expect to see guidance on sim- ensure a smooth roll out and transition ress as we enter 2017 in 2016!
pli? ed voluntary reporting of cyber of the towing ? eet to inspected status, incidents in the MTS, common cyber even while the rule undergoes review Rear Adm. Paul Thomas, vulnerability assessment tools and ad- and ? nal approval in advance of public the Assistant Comman- dant for Prevention Policy, dressing cyber risk through the require- release. In 2016, you can expect Coast develops and maintains ments of the Maritime Transportation Guard staffs at Headquarters, Districts, policy, standards and program align-
Security Act. Coast Guard Captains Sectors, and the Center of Expertise to ment for waterways management, of the Ports have all received training increase industry outreach regarding navigation safety, boating, commer- on cyber risk management and will the implementation of Sub Chapter M. cial vessels, ports and facilities, mer- continue their engagement with Area This work will include extensive input chant mariner credentialing, vessel
Maritime Security Committees and and coordination with appropriate fed- documentation, marine casualty in- facility plan holders to ensure we ad- eral advisory committees and industry vestigation, inspection and port state equately manage this operational risk. organizations. We are excited to work control activities.
toward achieving a joint goal that will
W F ensure our towing vessel ? eet remains
Another area of focus will be im- the safest in the world.
proving mariner situational awareness and access to, as well as transparency T T S EL FARO
HE RAGIC INKING OF THE of, information across the MTS. You Next month, the U.S. Coast Guard can expect to see increased deploy- and the National Transportation Safety ment of electronic and virtual Aids Board (NTSB) will hold public hear- to Navigation, or ATON, to com- ings regarding the ongoing investiga- plement existing physical aids. You tions into the loss of EL FARO and should also expect to see a prototyp- her crew. Those hearings will help de- ing of waterways designed to test 21st termine the future path and timeline century physical ATON, increased of the Coast Guard investigation. At services from our Navigation Center this point, we expect that the Report of that make it easier to ? nd the infor- Investigation will be complete in late mation most relevant to your speci? c summer with the Commandant’s Final operation, policy clari? cation regard- Action Memo to follow. Although it ing the use of electronic charts and is too early to speculate on the ? nd- carriage of paper charts for non-SO- ings or required actions, this incident,
LAS vessels, and re? nements to our to include the hearings and reports, vessel traf? c systems. These initiatives should remind us all of the complexity are vital to improving port and water- of ships and shipping, and the vital role way safety and ef? ciency that will al- we each play in ensuring a safe, secure low us to increase capacity of the MTS and environmentally sustainable MTS. and meet the needs of our nation. We I strongly encourage your participa- need, and look forward to, input from tion in the regulatory process – there all stakeholders on our ‘Waterway of are so many ways for you to do so! For the Future’ initiative. example, you could consider joining a professional association, provide com- 31 www.marinelink.com MN
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