Page 52: of Marine News Magazine (February 2016)
Dredging & Marine Construction
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Allegretti Alfultis Elder McClellan Carpenter Bouchard ing Of? cer Marine for the Americas country’s ? rst double-hull barge con-
Carpenter Named AWO’s COO
The American Waterways Operators, region. Elder, who previously held struction program. Under his leader- the national trade association for the the position of SVP and Chief Un- ship, Bouchard Transportation owns tugboat, towboat and barge industry, derwriting Of? cer, Inland Marine and operates the largest ? at-deck dou- in North America, assumes the role ble-hull petroleum barge company in has announced that Jennifer Carpen- ter, AWO’s Executive VP, has been formerly held by Richard DeSimone. the United States.
promoted to the position of Chief Mr. DeSimone, who joined XL Catlin
ABB Appoints Sullivan to
Operating Of? cer. AWO President & in 2011 to help build its North Amer-
CEO Tom Allegretti said, “Jennifer’s ica Marine capabilities, retired from
Lead U.S. Electri? cation the company on December 31, 2015. promotion to Chief Operating Of? -
Business cer is richly deserved and fully earned She is a graduate of the United States ABB today announced that Frank-
Merchant Marine Academy. during a quarter century of exempla- lin Sullivan has assumed the role of ry service. The journey of advocacy executive vice president for its Elec-
Bouchard Receives excellence and safety leadership on tri? cation Products division in the which AWO has been embarked is
Honorary Degree at SUNY
United States. In addition, he assumes one that Jennifer has effectively led.” commercial leadership for the divi-
The State University of New York sion across North America (Canada
Crowley Promotes
Maritime College conferred the hon- and Mexico). The division runs the orary degree of doctor of science de- low- and medium-voltage products
McClellan to VP, Deputy gree on Morton S. Bouchard III, businesses of ABB, for both ABB and
General Counsel the president and CEO of Bouchard Thomas & Betts branded portfolios.
Crowley Maritime Corporation an- nounced that Kerri McClellan has Transportation Company, Inc., dur- Franklin Sullivan joined Thomas & been promoted to vice president and ing winter 2016 commencement ex- Betts in 2010, after a long career in deputy general counsel. McClellan ercises on January 29. Mort Bouchard the electrical products industry, in is his family’s fourth generation to general management, operations, joined Crowley two years ago as se- nior corporate counsel. Previously, manage Bouchard Transportation product management and marketing
McClellan served as a transactional Company, Inc., the largest private- roles. He has led Thomas & Betts’ ly owned ocean-going petroleum global sales and marketing activities as attorney, strategic advisor and compli- ance counsel at a large law ? rm. She barge company in the United States. a senior vice president, based in Swit- has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the Bouchard Transportation operates on zerland, for the last two years.
University of Florida, a Juris Doctor the East and Gulf coasts of the United
Canaveral Commission degree from Suffolk University Law States and in the Caribbean. “As the highest recognition SUNY can bestow
School, and a Master of Laws in Taxa-
Taps Murray as Port CEO tion degree from Boston University upon an individual, we are so pleased Canaveral Port Authority Commis- to confer the honorary degree of Doc-
School of Law. sioners have unanimously selected tor of Science upon Mr. Bouchard,” shipping line executive Capt. John said Rear Adm. Michael Alfultis, W. Murray as the next chief execu-
Elder Named XL Catlin president of SUNY Maritime College. tive of? cer of Port Canaveral. Murray,
Chief Underwriting Of? cer currently is the President and CEO of
XL Catlin has named Anne Marie Following the passage of the Oil Pol- lution Act of 1990, he instituted the Hapag-Lloyd USA, LLC, a global lin-
Elder to the role of Chief Underwrit-
February 2016
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