Page 58: of Marine News Magazine (February 2016)
Dredging & Marine Construction
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New 2016 Emergency
Statoil’s Tank Cleaning
Response Guidebook
It’s one of those things you need to
Statoil and M-I SWACO have de- have – and hope you never use. The veloped an automatic tank cleaning
Emergency Response Guidebook, system for OSV’s which means that commonly known as “the ERG,” personnel can avoid entering tanks is published every four years by the for cleaning operations. Wash wa-
U.S. Department of Transporta-
THIEVES BEWARE: New ter and soap are recycled so that it tion’s Pipeline and Hazardous Mate- is only the actual waste washed out
System to Protect & rials Safety Administration (PHM- of the tank that needs further pro-
Track Outboard Engines
SA) as an essential reference for ? rst cessing. OSV’s transport chemicals
BoatWarden’s Outboard Warden responders during the initial phase in tanks below deck and those tanks protects outboard engines. The pat- of a Dangerous Goods/Hazardous must be cleaned before being used ent pending device has two units
Materials transportation incident. for other assignments. that must remain within a given www.labelmas- www.statoil.com proximity of each other. The in- ter.com/2016- stant they are parted, an alert is trig- erg/lifesaver gered and alarm raised over mobile network. GPS tracking data is used to recover the equipment. Designed to be a ‘set-and-forget’ system, Out- board Warden’s proximity alert is more responsive than a geo-fence. www.OutboardWarden.com
Fiber Reinforced Polymers
MarineCFO’s Document for Lock Gates
Management System
The largest ? ber reinforced polymer
MarineCFO’s Marine Document (FRP) lock gates in the world were
Management System (MDMS) as- recently installed in a new Lock in sists in organizing recordkeeping, the Netherlands. Royal Haskon- assessment, & training veri? cation credit: Glosten / Vigor ingDHV’s FRP mitered gates are requirements. MDMS provides an
Cadmatic for Alaska strong, light and require very little easy to use platform for the creation,
Class Ferry Design maintenance. An important sus- organization, dissemination, and tainable bene? t is that the gates The Alaska Marine Highway Sys- editing of various ? le types for both have a longer lifetime than conven- tem (AMHS) Alaska Class Ferry shoreside and ? eetwide reference. tional gates because FRP’s do not project is being designed using
Risk Assessments, ISPS Documents, corrode and Cadmatic software. Cadmatic is a
MARPOL Documents, Training pivot points 3D CAD/CAM engineering soft-
Modules, and Operations Manuals of gates show ware system for the marine and can be managed by the Operations little wear. offshore industry. The ? rst US cus-
Department with appropriate access www.royal- tomer came in 2013. Since then, privileges granted as needed. haskoningdhv.
www.marineCFO.com other companies from North Amer- com ica have joined the Cadmatic fam- ily, including Glosten, Vigor Fab,
Genoa Design International, and
VT Halter Marine, among others. www.cadmatic.com
February 2016
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