Page 26: of Marine News Magazine (March 2016)
Push boats, Tugs & Assist Vessels
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The study concluded that “Even with the slower-work- just to name a few impacts. And, while Vessel General ing anaerobic bacteria in treatment II, there was still a Permit and other regulations ‘require’ detergents that are signi? cant removal rate that was comparable to having a phosphate free and degreasers that are rapidly biodegrad- grease trap pumped every two weeks.” Results illustrate able, these are NOT standards. Standards should be based the fact that there is suf? cient retention time in the grease on toxicity to the aquatic environment. trap environment for bioremediation to be effective when The only part of the cleaning detergents that is readily the trap environment is augmented using aeration and biodegradable is the cleaning solution itself; the result is the speci? c bacteria. The study continues, “This therefore de- chemicals are biodegraded, but the FOG, bacteria, etc., they creases energy usage and costs to the treatment plant and removed or cleaned, still remain. That’s why it’s imperative increases the life of the treatment facility.” Aeration may be to constantly clean and maintain grease traps with the right accomplished via the natural water ? ow moving through cleaning solution so they can function as they’re designed. the galley/kitchen drainage system, thus not requiring any We have done little to tax the chemical industry to de- additional mechanical insertion of aeration capability. velop cleaning products that ? t our de? nition rather than
In another study, a non-toxic, non-caustic bioremediation theirs. The technology to develop cleaners, degreasers, etc., product called GTO was introduced. Developed for the food does exist to manufacture non-toxic, non-corrosive, and processing and manufacturing industries by EnviroLogics non-caustic solutions for areas such as bilges and galleys.
BioBased Technologies, Inc., the product digests the grease, The Centre for Environment Fisheries and Aquatic Science fats and organic wastes that accumulate in grease traps and (Cefas) based in the U.K., has demonstrated this in the drain lines. GTO was introduced to see if the waste system North Sea. Beyond this, these products will compliment could work more ef? ciently at breaking down FOGs and and reduce the strain on existing systems, thus allowing in- reduce the monthly disposal costs. A Comparison of Before stalled mechanical systems to have a longer service life.
and After the study began is depicted in Table 1: The maritime community needs to take the initiative to develop acceptable aquatic toxicity standards and drive
Table 1. BeforeAfter (< 30 days) industry to meet those standards. Bioremedial products are
BOD: biochemical oxygen demand 2328mg/L1086mg/L not an end-all, but rather compliment existing technology, will extend the useful service life of existing systems and
TSS: total suspended solids 2660mg/L568/L will save money in disposal costs.
Surcharge (disposal costs - $) 1,030376
By the end of the study period, the BOD level was <200
John Paparone is Principal of Environmental and the TSS was <240 – meaning negligible. Best of all,
Solution, Inc., a veteran owned business that sells there were no surcharges incurred. All this meant a signi? - and distributes more than 30 EPA-approved cant bottom line savings. When maritime problem solv- products to marine and other industrial industries. ers tend to focus on adding another mechanical device to
Contact him at [email protected] manage these situations, that ‘solution’ involves additional
T: 919-940-0546 / W: totalbiosolution.com space, engineering solutions, and/or power requirements,
March 2016
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