Page 34: of Marine News Magazine (March 2016)
Push boats, Tugs & Assist Vessels
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FLEET OPTIMIZATION “We’ve also built a Subchapter M solution speci? cally for workboats. The product is called NS Core, which is a slimmed- down version of NS Enterprise for just the core processes workboats need in order to effectively run their maintenance and compliance activities on those small boats. That’s a way of us leveraging our blue water solution into the brown water area in a way that we think is going to be very effective for people.” – Stephen Schwarz, Vice President & Chief Operating
Of? cer, ABS Nautical Systems el. The HSQE and document manager modules support also make its way into the workboat sector.
compliance and safety processes and procedures. The company also plans to gradually move to an all-web- “We’ve also built a Subchapter M solution speci? cally based interface for all its software applications and invest for workboats,” says Stephen Schwarz, Vice President & heavily in making the user experience as easy as possible.
Chief Operating Of? cer. “The product is called NS Core, “For workboat companies facing Subchapter M regulations, which is a slimmed-down version of NS Enterprise for just we have a solution that doesn’t disrupt your business,” adds the core processes workboats need in order to effectively Schwarz. “I think software companies in general are faced run their maintenance and compliance activities on those with becoming business solution companies. That’s why small boats. That’s a way of us leveraging our blue water you see people moving to ‘software as a service’ so they don’t solution into the brown water area in a way that we think have to keep upgrading their own infrastructure.” is going to be very effective for people.”
ABS Nautical Systems has also developed a set of servic- Helm Operations es to assist workboat companies in the transition. They’ve Helm Operations, based in Victoria, BC is rolling out launched a cloud (web-based) service so that if companies its latest product targeted at the harbor docking market. are small and don’t need an IT staff, they can purchase The unique software module called Helm CONNECT a subscription. Support options have also been enhanced Jobs provides several advantages in that it can accommo- to walk people through the system as needed and can be date a wide variety of billing variables, something which customized support to particular requirements as well. The can get out of hand if there are many independent agree- entire system is built around a concept where when you ments with different customers. log in, you basically land on a workspace that’s customized The biggest advantage of the new software, according to you, your role, and it’s very visual-oriented,” explains to Helm, is in the setup of new rate tables, which can be
Schwarz. “It’s built around this ‘my workspace’ concept, done relatively quickly due to the variables that can be eas- but with customized dashboards.” The NS Core system ily chosen ahead of setting up the tables. This reduces the also provides wizards that prompt the user through tasks, need to search through columns and columns of informa- even if the user doesn’t have a lot of computer experience. tion, which is a fairly standard process today.
Operators can choose whether they put the software on In fact, the software can help not only streamline the their vessel ? eet – the data can be replicated with the of- variances, but can assist in generating revenue from past ? ce – or if they want to manage operations solely from the billing mistakes. “If companies are using systems like Ex- of? ce. ABS Nautical Systems has plans to roll out a mobile cel, they may not invoice until the end of the week or after app by year’s end for the brown water market that will, a couple of weeks,” says Daniel Gort, Product Manager. at ? rst, be designed for purchasing approvals because, as “If certain events happened on the job, they can charge a
Schwarz says, the number one request customers have is surcharge for those extra things but if those are not being allowing the appropriate managers the ability to give ap- captured properly, they’re missing out on revenue.” provals away from their desks. No doubt this offering will Through utilizing the software, harbor docking compa-
March 2016
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