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Push boats, Tugs & Assist Vessels
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FLEET OPTIMIZATION “If companies are using systems like Excel, , they may not invoice until the end of the e week or after a couple of weeks. If certain n n events happened on the job, they can charge a surcharge for those extra things s but if those are not being captured properly, y, they’re missing out on revenue.” – Daniel Gort,
Helm Operations Product Manager other goal MarineCFO has is to make sure the inland
Dean Shoultz, operators stay in compliance so if the Coast Guard walks
MarineCFO CEO onto the vessel and wants to see the logs from a certain day, they can just hand it to the inspector and not have to deal ware modules, each can be purchased as traditional soft- with de? ciencies that can lead to other problems.
ware that is hosted for the customer – the front end is “Our key differentiator is that our software is very con? gu- built in Microsoft Of? ce, so it manages all the productiv- rable,” says Shoultz. “We’ve got thousands of switches behind ity of analytics – or as a web-based subscription solution the scenes, and how they’re thrown enables our software to called Vessel Live. customize to the needs of the customer. Our largest customer
The maintenance module deals with maintenance as well has 300 concurrent users on the shore and hundreds of vessels as groceries and procuring supplies for boats, and in the communicating. Then we’ve got guys with two vessels. It’s the course of processing recurring maintenance, the vessel can same system, just with the switches thrown differently.” record a de? ciency or non-conformity. “We also track haz- ardous materials for our inland customers,” says MarineCFO Transas
CEO Dean Shoultz. “We’re tracking that and alerting them When it comes to voyage planning software, Transas’ to the changing landscape of the regulations that they may Navi-Planner is a highly-sophisticated, yet easy-to-use be subject to because of that particular type of material.” program that is offered free as part of the company’s Na-
The software also has built-in checklist architecture for vi-Sailor 4000 ECDIS system. Navi-Planner 4000 offers the incoming Subchapter M regulations. The shore-side complete voyage planning which is fully compliant with all team can create a checklist and schedule it accordingly so the recommendations for voyage planning and the record- it shows up on the vessel’s computer with a “please record ing of events related to navigation made by the IMO. your safety meetings today” reminder. Also integrated with Navi-Planner is an AtoBviaC auto-
Flexibility allows for using single modules, particularly routing module for exact route planning based on thou- smaller ? eets can use the Vessel Live web-based option. sands of deep sea vessel routes. It’s based on the preference “There’s a shore side component where all the data sort of the navigator, and allows for quick route changes to be of rolls into a web console that the administration could made in transit. have,” explains Shoultz. “So they’re seeing their logs and “We have a licensing agreement with AtoBviaC. We take the different activities happening on the vessel. You don’t their routes and have embedded them into Navi-Planner need the maintenance or purchasing or other modules we software,” explains Paul Welling, Regional Sales Director, have. You can use just the Vessel Live primarily to stay On Board Systems, Americas. “So if a captain wants to go compliant with Subchapter M and other regulations.” from A to B but stop at C, it will then calculate the route
From a maintenance perspective, it’s important to keep and immediately put the whole route on the screen.” everything in running order to prevent down time. The As part of the voyage planning through Navi-Planner,
March 2016
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