Page 52: of Marine News Magazine (March 2016)
Push boats, Tugs & Assist Vessels
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Nationally Recognized
Maritime Lawyers Join
Sedgwick LLP
Brown Riley Gerhard Marks
Danoff Essick Morris brand, International, effective from
Mathey Dearman the end of January 2016.
Welcomes Michael Moore
Mathey Dearman announced the ad-
AMI Names Board dition of Michael Moore to the Mike of Directors
Charles and Associates, Inc. team.
The Association of Marina Industries Mike Moore started his welding in- (AMI) elected its 2016 Of? cers and dustry career in 1990 with Lincoln
Port Tamulski
Directors at its annual International Electric where he worked in research
Sedgwick LLP has announced Marina & Boatyard Conference. Brad and development, manufacturing, that ? ve Francisco-based maritime
Gross, Certi? ed Marina Manager and technical sales. He also worked at attorneys have joined the ? rm. (CMM) of Dana Point Harbor was ESAB in territory, regional, national
Eric Danoff, Andrew Port, James
Tamulski, Cheryl Morris and appointed Chair; Joe Riley, CMM sales and business development. He of Windmill Marina Association, has a degree in Physics from The Cit-
Katharine Essick have joined Sedg-
Inc. was appointed Vice Chair; Chris adel and a degree in Nondestructive wick as partners in the ? rm’s grow-
Petty of Suntex Waterfront Manage- Testing from Cowley College. He is ing maritime practice. The group ment was appointed Treasurer; and working on his Masters in Welding joined Sedgwick from Emard Dan- off Port Tamulski & Walovich LLP. Mick Webber of HydroHoist Marine Engineering from Ohio State Univer-
The new partners have experience Group was reappointed Secretary. sity and plans to take the CWI exam in representing numerous shipping in early 2016.
interests and marine insurers.
PVA Elects 2016
Robitaille to Lead new
President, Of? cers
Torqeedo Appoints Gerhard
Schottel Quebec Of? ce
During the PVA Annual Convention, as Communications Director the Passenger Vessel Association (PVA) Schottel has opened a new sales of-
As Torqeedo’s communications di- elected Margo Marks, President/Gen- ? ce in Quebec City, Quebec. Sylvain rector, Stefan Gerhard is responsible eral Manager of Beaver Island Boat Robitaille has been named Regional for Torqeedo’s brand and corporate Company as PVA President for 2016. Sales Manager, bringing 15 plus years communications across all media and Margo graduated from the Great Lakes of industry experience. He has tech- channels. Gerhard is an experienced Maritime Academy in 1983 and holds a nical degrees in electrodynamics and communications professional with First Class Pilot (Great Lakes) and Mates instrumentation and automation. Ro- signi? cant experience in the marine Great Lakes/Inland Water license of any bitaille has worked extensively with industry. Serving as editor-in-chief gross tons and a 100 ton Masters license. worldwide shipyards, ? eet operators, of Bootshandel Magazin for over 17 She also graduated from Ferris State Uni- the Coast Guard and naval architects.
years, he founded and currently chairs versity where she earned her BA in Busi- the international Best of Boats Award.
ness Administration in 1984. Also elect-
Brown Joins Global in Gulf ed to terms as PVA Of? cers for 2016 of Mexico
Jim Brown Retires from were PVA Vice-President Jeff Whitaker, Global Diving & Salvage has an-
Operations Manager for Hudson River nounced the hiring of Mike Brown
International Paint
Jim Brown has announced his retire- Cruises. The new PVA Secretary-Trea- as Vice President of Energy Services, surer is Gus Gaspardo, Vice President working from Global’s Houston of- ment as Market Development Man- ager of AkzoNobel’s Marine Coating’s for Padelford Packet Boat Co. ? ce. Mr. Brown will focus his efforts
March 2016
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