Page 54: of Marine News Magazine (March 2016)
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Foltz Lynch Long DonCarlos Marciano Treuting dors. The two were nominated by the
Foltz Steps Down at GPA, MarineCFO Announce Man-
U.S. Coast Guard. IMO Ambassadors
Lynch Named Executive agement Team Additions
VerticaLive, the parent company of are advocates for maritime and seafar-
The Georgia Ports Authority’s Board MarineCFO, has announced that ing professions and conduct outreach activities which encourage young of Directors announced today that its Jimmy Treuting has accepted the po-
Executive Director, Curtis J. Foltz, sition of CEO. Jimmy’s vision was people to consider maritime careers.
Thomas assumed duties as Assistant instrumental in the successful retool- will step down at the end of the Fis- cal Year. The Board also accepted the ing of MarineCFO into a pro? table Commandant for Human Resources in June 2015. Lyden-Kluss co-founded
SaaS company following the acquisi- nominating committee’s recommen- dation to appoint the current Chief tion of MarineCFO by VerticaLive in NAMEPA, whose mission is to engage
Operating Of? cer, Griff Lynch, to 2013. Rocky Marchiano joined the industry, regulators, environmental groups and educators to develop strate-
MarineCFO team last summer as a con- succeed Foltz.
sultant on Sub Chapter M. He has now gies to protect the marine environment taken the position of Vice President of and to educate seafarers, port commu-
DonCarlos Re-Appointed
Business Development. Rocky brings a nities and students to “Save our Seas.” to Port Commission
The Harris County Mayors’ and wealth of experience and expertise, spe-
Gould joins NAMEPA ci? cally related to regulatory issues.
Councils’ Association has re-appoint-
The North American Marine Environ- ed Stephen H. DonCarlos to the Port ment Protection Association (NAME-
Port of Beaumont’s
Commission of the Port of Hous-
PA) announced that Jean Gould, most
Roby Retires ton Authority (Port Authority). Port
Commissioners serve two-year terms The Port of Beaumont announced the recently with ABS will join NAMEPA without pay. DonCarlos has served retirement of John Roby, Director of as the Gulf Coast Regional Director. since September 2013 and has served Corporate Affairs. Roby joined the port Jean brings more than 25 years of ex- perience in the energy and maritime as Mayor of Baytown since May in 1979 after working in media and ad- 2006. He is an attorney with the ? rm vertising in Southeast Texas, as Public industries in communications, market-
Information Representative. Roby has ing and corporate affairs. of Reid, Strickland & Gillette. been active in industry and trade organi-
Kemp Joins PMSA as zations including the Port Authority Ad-
Hendry Marine, Gulf
Vice President visory Committee of the Texas Depart-
Marine Hire New CEO ment of Transportation and the Public The Paci? c Merchant Shipping As-
Hendry Marine Industries (HMI) and
Relations Committee of the AAPA. sociation (PMSA) announced that
Gulf Marine Repair Corporation have
Carl Kemp has been named Vice announced the hiring of Jim Long as
Lyden-Kluss, Thomas
President. Kemp brings more than the new Chief Executive Of? cer. A 20 years of experience, most recently appointed IMO Maritime graduate of Florida Southern College, serving as Senior Advisor for Legisla-
Long comes to HMI and Gulf Marine tive and Public Affairs at the Federal after having served as Chief Executive Carleen Lyden-Kluss, CEO of Mor- gan Marketing & Communications Maritime Commission, where he re-
Of? cer for several companies, includ- and RADM Cari B. Thomas of the ported directly to Chairman Mario ing a billion-dollar environmental ser-
Cordero. He earned a BA and MPA
United States Coast Guard were ap- vices company.
from California State University.
pointed as IMO Maritime Ambassa-
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