Page 38: of Marine News Magazine (September 2016)
Offshore Annual
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SHORTSEA SHIPPING “We’re giving Catalina a serious upgrade on the freight busi- ness they’ve had over the last 50 years. Everything is Tier 3, fuel- ef? cient, air quality-compliant, and the type of equipment that we brought in is more ef? cient and effective and our new warehouse is more secure and more state of the art.” – Harley Franco, CEO of
Harley Marine Services, Inc., and AFS co-founder.
Shortsea Ef? ciencies Produce Economy transport everything it takes for a city as well as a tourism of Scale for Catalina area to operate – everything they need, from heavy equip-
All of this means a faster, one-way channel crossing time ment to food to building supplies to fuel to all the differ- of three hours for customers. Additionally, Avalon Freight ent things it takes for a city to operate, we move across the guarantees the current freight tariff for two years. The cur- water on our landing craft or barge.” rent operating schedule covers a minimum of ? ve days a Bombard told MarineNews that when researching the week, year round. This was an important factor that was feasibility of the landing craft, AFS reviewed successful considered in the rigorous RFP process, which began in applications of this kind of vessel in various transporta- late 2012. A lot of discussions with the Avalon commu- tion services in Alaska. The 150-foot x 150-foot Catalina nity, the Port of Los Angeles, and various marine stake- Provider, was built by Diversi? ed Marine in Portland, Or- holders took place before invitations were sent out. SCIC egon, a company that had provided similar landing craft wanted to ? nd a sole provider for the new service. for the Alaskan ? eet.
Once Avalon Freight Services was selected as the new ten- Catalina Provider can carry up to 12 passengers in addi- ant (granted dock access and warehouse space) in December tion to a small number of trucks with containers as well as 2014, research began to secure and build the company’s fa- smaller loads. For instance, Bombard says regular customers cilities and vessels to meet the April 1, 2016 launch date. such as the island’s grocery store transport four or ? ve trail- “One of the challenges for this service is that it really is a ers up to three times a week. “We’ve also got an operator on lifeline for Catalina Island,” says Jim Price, partner at Hard- the island called Catalina Beverage, and they bring quite a esty, LLC, a professional services consulting ? rm that worked few dry and reefer vans with us three times a week,” he says. alongside Santa Catalina Island Company to prepare the Hotel and restaurant supplies are also trucked over, the
RFP tender and review bids. “From an economic standpoint, odd car is shipped, and even horses. “There are a couple of it might make sense to take a much larger vessel and deliver rides where horses go back and forth, so this makes it conve- once a week. But it doesn’t make sense for the community.” nient for the wranglers to ride along with the horses and keep
Of course, the pairing of two award-winning marine en- them calm and be able to work with them,” he adds. Impor- tities with long-held excellent reputations for what they tant to customers is also the fact that goods can be loaded do is bound to bring innovation to the table. “One of and unloaded at both high tide and low tide at Pebbly Beach, the things we wanted to do was make sure that when we where the Avalon building supply warehouse is located.
brought this service forward, we really took a hard look at what would be the easiest, safest, and quickest way to move So Far, So Good … freight to and from the island,” Bombard explains. “We So far, things have been progressing very well for the new venture. Although no formal review has been carried out
AFS Equipment: at a glance … yet by SCIC – a six months and annual report are forth-
Catalina Provider Two Harbors (barge) coming – early indications are positive. “What we’ve done (Landing Craft)
LOA: 140’ long is listen to the customers and the City of Avalon and we
LOA: 150’ long (40’ ramp for landings) have heard no complaints on the new AFS service, which is by 50’ wide
Breadth 40’ quite remarkable for a city like Avalon,” says Herrel.
Caterpillar Tier 3 engine, triple screw 90,000 gallon tank to hold
Safety and security of passengers and freight is para-
Built at Diversi? ed Marine in potable water
Portland, OR mount for vessel operations. Preparing for additional ca-
Built: Conrad Ship Yard in New Orleans pabilities for potential emergency situations is also an im-
Delivered 3/2016
Delivered in 2/2016 portant need. Back in 2007, there was a large ? re on the
Started service 4/1/16
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