Page 41: of Marine News Magazine (October 2016)
Salvage & Spill Response
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ARCTIC RESPONSE TECHNOLOGY (Bill) Hazel III, Director of Marine Services at Michigan-
Encouraging Innovation based Marine Pollution Control (MPC), told MarineNews
Fueled by the kind of success achieved at RDC, both last month that “Ice Management System designed by industry and the federal government continue to promote
MPC is in patent pending status. The company is consid- avenues for innovation. BSEE, for example, has also devel- ering the potential to offer a version for commercial users oped software that could possibly be used to foster a more based on its evaluation of market opportunities.” MPC, systems-based approach, which would in theory result in a according to Hazel, is a spill response provider, but also has better selection of equipment and encourage innovation. At robust manufacturing capabilities.
the same time, BSEE has also sponsored multiple projects to
Attention was given to determining how and what address simulants and how to get innovation into the ? eld.
the minimum size of workboat or ‘vessel of opportunity’
And, not to be left out of the process, the Oil Spill Re- could handle the equipment, if deployed. Together, the ice covery Institute (OSRI) of Alaska, funded by the Oil Spill cage, skimmer, and hoses weigh about 2,000 pounds, so Liability Trust fund (OSLTF) set up after the Exxon Valdez a crane would be needed with a reasonable lift distance spill, recently sponsored a workshop about how to intro- of 30-40 feet at that weight. The amount of deck space duce innovation. Issues range from funding to the lack of needed would depend upon what is being used for tem- incentives for commercial stakeholders to move forward.
porary storage. The largest temporary storage tank for this
As the Arctic becomes more and more accessible to com- demonstration was 6 feet wide by 30 feet long with straps mercial traf? c – in more places and in volumes that grow reaching 3-5 feet out for supports.
– the need for viable spill response capabilities, equipment
As a general statement, the ice cage has been found to and techniques is only going to become more critical. De- improve recovery ef? ciency for skimmers as long as the op- spite impediments to that effort, both government and erator has the time, patience and the skill to both move the commercial stakeholders are making progress. Clearly, we cage around and effectively manage the ice. need more. 41 www.marinelink.com MN
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