Page 52: of Marine News Magazine (October 2016)
Salvage & Spill Response
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Mourning the Loss of
Helen Delich
Evans McCarthy Thomson Shafar
Helen Delich Bentley, the feisty, America. At CMA CGM, McCarthy
Crowley’s Evans highly respected maritime journalist, oversaw an annual budget of $1.9 bil-
Promoted to VP former Federal Maritime Commis-
Crowley Maritime Corporation last lion and led a team of 150 employees, sion chairman and ? ve-term member month announced that Eric Evans managing more than 400 vendors in of Congress, died in August at home had been promoted to vice president marine, rail, trucking and logistics. Mc- following a bout with brain cancer. of strategy. Evans, who most recently Carthy obtained a degree from SUNY
Throughout her 70-plus year career, served as VP of ? nance and planning Maritime College, a diploma in terminal
Mrs. Bentley had tirelessly promoted for Crowley business units, joined management at Lloyd’s Maritime Acad- two major issues: the advancement
Crowley in 1987 as an accountant and emy at Kent College, Dartford UK, and of America’s industrial/manufac- manager of management reporting. a Masters in Business Administration turing base and the maritime com-
Evans graduated from the University from William & Mary University. munity that carried products to and from market-primarily through the of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School in
Torqeedo Grows North
Port of Baltimore. In 1945, The Bal- 1987 and is a Washington State CPA.
timore Sun offered her a reporting
American Sales Team position where, she initially reported
Torqeedo last month welcomed Mike
Thomson Joins on labor and union matters. She was
Shafar and Jim Sinnott as sales manag-
Morrison & Foerster then dispatched to the waterfront to
Morrison & Foerster announced ers. Shafar is responsible for managing revive coverage of the port. She had that Katie Thomson, former general and growing Torqeedo’s North Ameri- never seen a ship, or the ocean. It was counsel of the U.S. Department of can OEM, retail and distribution busi- a tough, male-dominated environ-
Transportation (DOT), has joined ness. Prior to joining the company, he ment, but she loved it. She was also the ? rm as a partner. Thomson will spent 14 years in national advertising a skilled mediator between labor and chair the ? rm’s Transportation Group, sales. Sinnott is tasked with strengthen- management, and an energetic advo- counseling transportation clients on ing and supporting the company’s dealer cate for jobs and economic opportu- regulatory matters, civil and criminal network. With over 20 years of experi- nity. An internationally recognized expert on maritime issues, Bentley litigation, internal and governmen- ence, he previously managed a sales force pushed for fair trade and a strong tal investigations, compliance issues, of over 150 in the wireless industry.
national defense. Bentley is widely and cybersecurity matters. At DOT, given credit for laying the ground-
Bolien Changes Roles at
Thomson was involved in numerous work for what is today known as
YANMAR America policy decisions, including improving the Maritime Security Program to crude oil transportation safety. She YANMAR America has announced provide adequate funding for Ameri- earned her B.A. from the University that Zack Bolien will transition from can Flagged Cargo Ships. Today, this his current role of Parts Marketing of Illinois and her J.D. from the Uni- program has salvaged a major rem-
Specialist to Digital Marketing Special- versity of Pennsylvania Law School. nant of America’s merchant marine. ist. The Digital Marketing Specialist is
In 1969, then President Richard a new position created in an effort to
McCarthy to Head
Nixon appointed Mrs. Bentley as support YANMAR’s premium brand
Operations at GPA
Chairman of the U. S. Regulatory
The Georgia Ports Authority named Ed initiative, as well as to provide more agency Federal Maritime Commis- sion. Notably, she was a principal ar- McCarthy as its new COO. McCarthy solutions using the latest technology. chitect of the Nixon Administration’s comes to Georgia from his latest post as Bolien has served YANMAR America’s 1970 Merchant Marine Act.
chief operating of? cer for CMA CGM marketing team since December 2013.
October 2016
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