Page 56: of Marine News Magazine (October 2016)
Salvage & Spill Response
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Credit: Chamber of Marine Commerce
Algoma Harvester Ardent Salvage Benzie Smith provements and a steady ? ow of raw mercial Vessel Compliance last month
OSVDPA Accredits TMTI for materials for manufacturing and con- released policy letter 16-04 to provide
DP Training struction. And, year-to-date domes- guidance to Coast Guard Of? cers and The Offshore Service Vessel Dynamic tic general cargo shipments are up the marine industry on the circum- Positioning Authority (OSVDPA) an- 23 percent compared to last season. stances under which personnel may nounced that the Marine Training In-
The Port of Green Bay, for example, conditionally occupy an unmanned stitute (TMTI) in Gray, Louisiana is the bene? ted from the brisk activity with barge that forms part of an ATB com- ? rst training provider to be accredited monthly cargo up 16.7 percent com- bination. The policy letter is applica- to conduct OSVDPA dynamic posi- pared to the same month in 2015. ble to barges with an unmanned load tioning operator (DPO) training cours-
Separately, the Lake Carriers’ Associa- line operating beyond the Boundary es and assessments. The OSVDPA’s tion reported an increase in iron ore Line, or on the Great Lakes. View the executive director, Aaron Smith, said: on the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence entire policy letter at: https://www. “We were very pleased with the pro-
Seaway of 2.9 percent compared to a uscg.mil/hq/cgcvc/cvc/policy/pol- fessionalism and expertise exhibited by year ago. However, those shipments icy_letters/CVC/CG-CVC_pol16- TMTI. Throughout our accreditation trailed the month’s 5-year average by 04.pdf process, every member of their team 5 percent. proved their commitment to upholding
Ardent responds to OPA-90 the highest standards and a dedication
IMCA Welcomes IMO BWT Vessel Fire in Puerto Rico to training and certifying DPOs.”
Convention Rati? cation On Aug. 17, a ? re broke out on the
The International Marine Contrac- vessel, the Caribbean Fantasy. The 26 Hours of Data tors Association (IMCA) last month Vessel Response Plan was activated.
Recovered from El Faro VDR welcomed the news that the Ballast The Caribbean Fantasy is covered The National Transportation Safety
Water Management (BWM) Conven- under Ardent’s OPA-90, Salvage and Board intends to develop a detailed tion enters into force on 8 September Marine Fire Fighting “SMFF” cover- transcript of the sounds and discern- 2017, and has produced a 12-point age program. Ardent responded to the ible words captured on the El Faro’s information sheet on the Convention incident on board the vessel. McAllis- bridge audio, following the audition for its members. Referring to the new- ter Towing was one of Ardent’s OPA- of the ship’s VDR. The voyage data ly rati? ed convention, “This is a sig- 90 partners that assisted in respond- recorder from El Faro, a US ? agged ni? cant environmental development, ing with two of their z-drive tractor cargo ship that sank during Hurricane which provides certainty with regard tugs, Brooklyn McAllister and, Beth Joaquin in October 2015, was success- to a de? nite implementation date,” M. McAllister. Puerto Rico Towing fully recovered from the ocean ? oor said IMCA’s Technical Director, Rich- and Barge and Moran Towing also and transported to the NTSB’s labo- ard Benzie. See the information sheet provided tugs for the operation. Ar- ratory. Information from the El Faro’s at: www.imca-int.com dent demobilized emergency response VDR was successfully recovered Au- personnel and equipment one week gust 15. About 26 hours of bridge au-
USCG Policy Letter for after (Aug. 25) the successful opera- dio, weather data and navigational data
Conditional Occupancy of tion, and handed the vessel back to was recovered from the VDR, which
Unmanned ATB Barges the ship owner. was said to found in good condition.
The Coast Guard’s Of? ce of Com- 56 MN
October 2016
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