Page 6: of Marine News Magazine (October 2016)
Salvage & Spill Response
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EDITOR’S NOTE ditorial Calendars are designed and printed for a reason: we want our marine industry workboat readers – the largest con? rmed subscriber base in this genre – to know exactly what is coming in a particular edition. Sure, current events can throw you a change-up every
E now and then. Nevertheless, if you turn these pages looking for salvage, spill response and/or
Arctic operations wisdom, then you came to the right place. Throw into that mix the always in- teresting topic of special purpose workboats, and you’ve got all the ingredients for a terri? c read.
Starting with the leadership of both the American Salvage Association (ASA) and the Inter- national Salvage Union (ISU), we kick off with a situation report on the state of salvage and re- sponse regulations, business models, liability issues and everything else in between. Both Todd
Schauer and John Witte are familiar stakeholders in the salvage and response arena and you’ll [email protected] soon discover that the concerns of international and domestic salvors are remarkably similar.
And, that the job of any response provider isn’t getting any easier.
Separately – but nevertheless inextricably linked to the salvage and response game – the ef- fort to develop new technologies for spill response, especially where those tools impact Arctic and/or cold weather operations, has long been hindered in the United States. Environmental and regulatory concerns sometimes prevent stakeholders from carrying out realistic drills and/ or developing cutting edge spill response equipment. That’s beginning to change. The U.S.
Coast Guard’s Research and Development Center (RDC) and Ohmsett – the National Oil Spill
Response Research and Renewable Energy Test Facility – are two major reasons why. In this edition, we talk about recent developments at both locations. The ? rst story begins on page 20.
It is easy to write off the Arctic as a place where the promise of sustained, and pro? table en- ergy exploration, shipping and commercial workboat operations simply hasn’t come to fruition.
Actually, nothing could be further from the truth. That’s because some of the most innovative workboats on the planet are being designed precisely for this environment and the spill response folks mentioned above are targeting their efforts in order to meet the growing need for cold weather response capabilities. Both sectors, as it turns out, go hand in hand.
Make no mistake about it: there is risk in the Arctic. And no one outlines that risk any better than Dagmar Etkin, who has spent the better part of her impressive career studying oil spills and the impact of those events on both the environment and industry itself. Starting on page 42, she lays out the current situation in the Arctic in plain enough language and as always, backed up with solid data. Hence, the efforts of industry advocates like Brigham McGown and
NOIA’s Randall Luthi are critically important to reminding everyone – including the policy- makers in Washington – that the pause in action up north should be considered just that – a temporary lull. The marine industry is coming back. When it does, the groundwork for safe and environmentally correct operations will have been laid.
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Joseph Keefe, Editor, [email protected]
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