Page 54: of Marine News Magazine (March 2017)
Pushboats, Tugs & Assist Vessels
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ISMA Of? cers Cropper Lapointe Barrett
Lakes International Marine Training worked in the territory since 2014. Capt. James Tobin, president of the and Research Centre at Georgian Col- AAF. “This is an existential threat to
Ward Appointed as C-PORT’s lege; Derek McMullen, an Engineering the institution and therefore a long-
New Chairman cadet enrolled at Great Lakes Maritime term threat to our national security.”
The Conference of Professional Oper-
Academy; and Ian Brammall, a Cana-
ABS Accommodation Stan- dian mariner who is working toward ators for Response Towing (C-PORT) recently appointed Captain John dards Improve Crew Safety obtaining an engineering license.
Ward, of Sea Tow Destin, FL., as its ABS has published the ABS Guide for new Chairman of the Board. C-PORT Habitability of Industrial Personnel on
Coast Guard Foundation
Names Cropper as NE represents the marine assistance indus- Accommodation Vessels. This Guide
Regional Director try nationwide. Ward owns and oper- establishes criteria for improving the
The Coast Guard Foundation, a non- ates Aquanaut Towing & Salvage/Sea living environment and ambient en- pro? t organization committed to the Tow Pensacola, Destin, Lake Norman/ vironment on board accommodation education and welfare of all Coast Guard Wylie and Lake Kerr/Gaston. vessels. “People are the most important members and their families, announced resource for any organization,” says
USMMA AAF Forms Accred- that Loralyn Cropper joined its staff ABS Chairman, President and CEO itation Advisory Committee as regional director for the Northeast. Christopher J. Wiernicki. “This Guide
Cropper will work closely with Coast The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy recognizes the importance of personnel
Guard units in the area to identify and Alumni Association and Foundation living offshore for extended periods of ful? ll education, morale and family (AAF) has announced the formation time, addressing design and engineering support needs for Coast Guard mem- of an advisory committee composed considerations that can improve safety, bers. She replaces Susan Ludwig in this of distinguished Kings Point gradu- productivity and the overall wellbeing position, who was recently named pres- ates and education experts to assist of crews working at sea.” Applicable to ident of the Coast Guard Foundation. the Maritime Administration and the existing and new construction accom-
Cropper has a bachelor’s degree from Academy in protecting and preserv- modation vessels, the ABS Guide for
Scripps College and a masters degree ing the school’s imperiled accredita- addresses overall crew health, promot- from Columbia University. tion. In June 2016, the Middle States ing reliable performance and safety.
Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) reported that the U.S.
IMTRA Hires Two for Paci? c OSVDPA Announces New Train-
Northwest Region ing Provider Accreditation
Merchant Marine Academy (USM-
IMTRA announced the addition of J. MA) underperformed in ? ve of 14 ar- The Offshore Service Vessel Dynamic
Mark Barrett and Eric MacDonald to eas including planning, leadership and Positioning Authority, Inc. (OSVD- the outside sales team. J. Mark Barrett governance, administrative staff quali- PA) announced Kongsberg Maritime’s joins as recreational Paci? c Northwest ? cations, resource allocation and stu- (Kongsberg) center in Houston, Texas account representative. Most recently dent services. USMMA is the ? rst-ever is accredited to conduct OSVDPA with West Marine Pro, Barrett has Federal Service Academy to be placed dynamic positioning operator (DPO) been working the Paci? c Northwest on warning, and it must provide a training courses and assessments. marine market for over 25 years. progress report to MSCHE by March Kongsberg is the ? rst Houston-area
MacDonald, who is already perform- 1st on the Academy’s implementation center to be accredited by the OS- ing his duties at IMTRA in the newly of the required changes outlined in the VDPA. OSVDPA Executive Director, created position of commercial Paci? c report. “If we don’t ? x the accredita- Aaron Smith, said, “We are extreme-
Northwest account representative, has tion, then nothing else matters,” said ly excited to have Kongsberg seek 54 MN