Page 12: of Marine News Magazine (April 2017)
Boatbuilding: Construction & Repair
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Pat Folan
Tug & Barge Solutions at Folan is a partner in Daphne, AL-based Tug &
What is your general impression of the state of the inland marine industry today?
Barge Solutions, a safety and compliance company that focuses on Subchapter M compliance for towing Depressed, but slowly recovering. Marine construction
P companies. The company also performs surveys of towing and dredging appears to have fared better than dry and liq- vessels and barges, manages safety management systems uid cargoes. I see more barges moving now in the GIWW for towing companies and trains people on towing vessels and my customers report the same. If we can get oil back and in of? ces. A professional mariner, for 27 years, he also on track, we will see the smaller operators come back on- operated towing vessels from Maine to Corpus Christi, line as the larger ones get busier.
TX, including the Alabama Rivers, Lower Mississippi,
What is the most important issue facing inland ma-
Great Lakes and Erie Canal. A graduate of St. Bonaven- rine transportation providers today?
ture University, he began his career in towing in Boston
I see two issues that are related – regulation and labor. in 1985 on a wooden single-screw tug, eventually owning a towing company that specialized in Erie Canal towing. Sub M is necessary but the timing is bad. With boats laid up, the crews have found other work. As the economy
He holds a Master of Towing Vessels for Near Coastal, In- land and Western Rivers. He was a member of the USCG’s improves, the cash-strapped operators have to bring ves- sels online in a tougher regulatory climate. As they bring
Towing Safety Advisory Committee (TSAC) and a sub- committee chair for the Steel Hull Repair and Operational people onboard, they will have to ensure compliance for
Stability tasks. A certi? ed ISO 9001:2008 Lead Auditor, both their vessels and crews. Where will the supply of Sub
ISO 19011:2011 Internal Auditor, ISM Internal Auditor, M-educated mariners come from? If you are a small com- pany without a TSMS, how will you come up to speed?
USCG-approved Designated Examiner and a SAMS Ac- credited Marine Surveyor, in his spare time, he maintains
What can inland operators do better today – in any a website about tugs (www.PelicanPassage.com ). In the phase of their operations?
world of workboats, Pat is well known, and is widely re-
They can pay attention. A lot is changing and knowl- garded as one of industry’s most knowledgeable and ex- perienced subject matter experts in his particular niche. edge of the regulatory and industry-led changes will be the
This month, he shares that knowledge with MarineNews key to a successful operation. This also includes greater in- volvement with their crews to help them with the changes.
readers, weighing in on all things “tugboat.”
April 2017 12