Page 54: of Marine News Magazine (June 2017)
Combat & Patrol Craft Annual
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Credit: GLDD
Lawrence Bjuve Petterson Cox Curtis
Manager of the Rohr Dredge North
Volvo Penta Names Bjuve as VP McDermott Names
Lawrence as VP, Treasurer
Volvo Penta of the Americas an- America operation. Kurt earned a B.S. & Investor Relations nounced the appointment of Martin in Mechanical Engineering in 2003
Bjuve as vice president for customer McDermott International announced from St. Cloud State University. He support and training. He will provide that Ty Lawrence has been appointed has been a member of Ellicott Dredge strategic direction and management Vice President, Treasurer and Investor Technologies’ engineering group since for support and product training for Relations, replacing Kathy Murray who August of 2003. Kurt is now responsi- dealers and customers across the Unit- has been appointed Vice President of ble for all facets of the operation, from ed States, Canada, Mexico, Central Finance for Project Execution and De- sales through ? eld assembly.
America and the Caribbean. Bjuve livery. Previously, Lawrence was Senior
NETSCo Announces has served as vice president and CFO Director of Finance for McDermott’s
Management Additions, at Volvo Penta of the Americas since Americas, Europe and Africa Area
Promotions 2013 and previously earned a Master (AEA). He joined McDermott in 2013.
NETSCo announced the promotion of Business Administration from the of Jan Flores to Vice President. Jan’s
Petterson Named CEO at GLDD
University of Karlstad. primary responsibilities include direct-
Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Corpo- ration (GLDD) announced that Lasse ing the engineering and consulting ef-
Matson Appoints forts of the company to meet the com-
Petterson assumed the role of Chief Ex-
Cox as Chairman
Matson announced the appointment ecutive Of? cer (CEO) on May 1, 2017. mitments made to NETSCo’s clients.
In his over 35-year career, Petterson In 2014, Flores joined NETSCo as of company President and CEO Mat-
Senior Business Development Director thew J. Cox to the position of Chair- gained extensive experience in the en- gineering, construction and maritime with more than 20 years in the mari- man of the Board. Cox retains his du- ties as Chief Executive Of? cer. Cox industries. Most recently, Mr. Petterson time and offshore industry. Prior to joined Matson in June 2001 as Senior served as a private consultant to clients joining NETSCo, he directed the FSO
Vice President and Chief Financial in the Oil & Gas sector. He holds both Group at OSG and was responsible for
Of? cer. Additionally, the Board of master’s and bachelor’s degrees from the Business Development in the offshore market. Separately, Trish McIntyre has
Directors designated Jeffrey N. Wata- Norwegian University of Technology. joined the ? rm as Engineering Man- nabe to serve as Lead Independent ager. Trish comes to NETSCo after
TSGI Welcomes Kyle Curtis
Director of the Matson Board. Ron- ald J. Forest, SVP Operations, has The Shearer Group, Inc. (TSGI) an- 26 years of experience in the design, nounced that Kyle Curtis joined TSGI installation, functional testing and in- been promoted to President of Mat- son with continued responsibility for as a naval architect. Prior to joining spection of marine machinery installa- all of the company’s operations. John TSGI, Kyle worked for Versabar as a tions. Prior to NETSCo, she held the
P. Lauer, SVP Ocean Services, has marine engineer and a structural engi- principal engineer position at ABS for been promoted to Chief Commercial neer. He received a B.S. in Ocean En- the machinery group. Trish holds a de-
Of? cer of Matson with continued gineering from Texas A&M University. gree in Marine Engineering from Texas
A&M University and has served on the responsibility for sales, marketing,
ABS Rule Development and Technical
New Management customer service, pricing and govern-
Committees. Matt Davidson recently for Rohr Dredge ment services for the ocean transpor-
Kurt Syverson has been promoted to joined the Florida of? ce at NETSCo as tation division.
June 2017 54 MN