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MN 100 Market Leaders
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Advanced Ahead Sanitation Alps Wire Rope
Logistics Systems Corp.
2014 W Pinhook RD STE 310
Lafayette, LA 70508
Tel: (337) 232-4699
E-mail: [email protected] 329 Hardware Road 2530 Production Drive
Website: www.al-llc.com
Broussard, LA 70518-7809 St Charles, IL 60174
CEO/President: Jeffery Svendson
Tel: (337) 330-4407 Tel: (630) 893-3888
E-mail: head? [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.aheadsanitationsystems.com Website: www.alpswirerope.com
CEO/President: Winton “Boo Boo” Rebouche CEO/President: Brad Benner
Advanced Logistics understands tech- nology in logistics management is one of the fastest growing segments in the THE COMPANY: THE COMPANY: oil & gas industry. As E&P companies Ahead Sanitation Systems is rec- From its corporate headquarters in and production operators seek more ognized as a Premier Designer, St. Charles, IL and 3 other branch lo- cost effective solutions to logistics chal- Manufacturer and Distributor of cations around the United States, Alps lenges in marine transportation, those New Generation Sanitation Systems, Wire Rope Corporation provides inno- armed with knowledge and real time in- Products and Supplies for the Marine vative products from the best mills in formation will have the advantage. Real and Recreation Industry. The Ahead the world. Our long history providing time technology enables clients to trans- Tank is a Type II Marine Sanitation globally sourced wire rope products, late acquired data into useful informa- Device and certi? ed in accordance gives us access to technical support tion then transform that information with the USCG and IMO stan- from the engineering staffs of the man- into useful knowledge for improved ef- dards. The ? rm provides and services ufacturing mills, who have an intimate ? ciency, productivity and decision mak- Type II Marine Sanitation Devices understanding of the various interna- ing … anytime, anywhere. and Sewage Treatment Plants that tional standards applicable to this mar- are IMO and USCG certi? ed, self- ket. Alps Wire Rope Corporation is a
THE CASE: contained Macerator Pump Toilets, full wire rope provider, inventorying
Advanced Logistics has provided Ma- and Pre-Assembly Lift Pump Station only the ? nest quality materials.
rine and Oil & Gas software solutions LUS-75 Camp Units. for almost 14 years. They have created THE CASE: strategic partnerships and are currently THE CASE: Alps Wire Rope has been provid- active with Harvey Gulf, Seacor, Field- Since 2005, Ahead Sanitation ing the highest quality stainless steel wood Energy, BPTT, & Talos Energy. Systems has been providing Marine strand, wire rope and coated cables
Working hard to continue providing Sanitation Devices to the Marine and (lifelines) to the Marine Industry for service beyond the current downturn Recreation Industry. Their mission is 49 years. The quality of their wire to new clients, the ? rm reports that to provide our customers across the rope is what distinguishes Alps from over the past 9 years, over 200 vessels globe with quality products at reason- the rest. Alps provides the luster you operated by over 35 vessel companies able prices, while dedicating a level of are looking for with the quality engi- world-wide have deployed our technol- unparalleled excellence in Customer neering to boost longevity and resis- ogy to help manage their ? eet. Service and Satisfaction. tance to corrosion on the high waters.
August 2017 12