Page 26: of Marine News Magazine (August 2017)
MN 100 Market Leaders
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patrol offshore in big water or can dart in and out of tight inland shallows. A favorite of law enforcement and ? rst responders, the stable and forgiving Brunswick Impact
RHIB diminishes damage and wear with repeated board- ing of other boats. The durable Sentry aluminum mod-
RUNSWICK OMMERCIAL & els with enclosed helms keep rough weather from slow-
OVERNMENT RODUCTS ing down the rescue – or the chase. BCGP was recently 420 Megan Z awarded a multi-year, multi-unit contract for the United
Edgewater, FL 32132
Tel: (386) 423-2900
States Southern Command. The single-award, inde? nite-
Email: [email protected] delivery/inde? nite-quantity contract is for both 32-foot
Website: www.brunswickcgp.com and 37-foot Boston Whaler Justice boats and will include
CEO/President: Nick Stickler spare parts, maintenance and training support for The
Tough missions call for tough boats. That’s why boats United States Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) area from Brunswick Commercial & Government Products of responsibility, which includes Central America, South
America and Caribbean nations. (BCGP) are designed speci? cally for the rigors of high- stress, high-speed and dangerous applications. Choose from the Boston Whaler lineup, Impact RHIB family or THE CASE: the Sentry aluminum ? eet, all with thousands of custom- Later this year, the company will be celebrating 60 ized options. Custom-build your boat with heavy-duty years of Boston Whaler boats. Commercially built Boston laminate schedules and stainless steel deck ? xtures, along Whaler boats have served in every major U.S. Military with a wide variety of hull lengths and horsepower. BCGP con? ict since the Vietnam War. Today, the company con- designs boats to be labor-saving and ergonomic, putting tinues that legacy by building the toughest boats on the crucial controls right at hand. Unsinkable Boston Whalers water for militaries around the world.
Since 1947, Carboline has expanded to over 25 manufac- turing locations and numerous distribution centers strategi- cally located around the world. Carboline has one of the most advanced global research and development facilities strictly dedicated to high-performance coatings, linings and ? re- proo? ng materials. The state-of-the-art facility, located in St.
CARBOLINE 2150 Schuetz Road
Louis, includes world-class development, testing and applica-
St Louis, MO 63146 tions areas. Carboline has focused on innovation with many
Tel: (314) 644-1000 x2340
Email: [email protected] breakthrough product developments. In the early 1950s, Car-
Website: carboline.com boline developed and patented Carbozinc 11, which revolu-
CEO/President: Chris Tiernay tionized painting for steel fabrication and it is still the premier tank linings are well-respected brands with decades of history zinc primer in the industry. Pyrocrete 241, a breakthrough ce- mentitious ? reproo? ng product with outstanding durability, and testing in hundreds of commodities. was developed in 1978. Recent innovations include Carboth- erm 551, an insulative epoxy coating that is extremely durable THE CASE: and protects against hot surfaces. Carbotherm 551 has found 2017 marks the 70th anniversary for Carboline, a global some unique uses since it was developed, including protect- leader in coatings, linings, and ? reproo? ng. Carboline was ing asphalt barge decks from the hot temperatures that rise, founded by Stanley Lopata in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1947 allowing workers to walk the deck safely and preventing valu- and has grown into a global organization. Carboline’s cut- able energy from escaping. In 2016, Carboline released Phe- ting-edge research and development center as a re? ection noline Tank Shield, an expansion of its comprehensive tank of their commitment to remaining at the forefront of the lining product family. The Plasite and Phenoline families of protective coatings industry.
August 2017
MN 26