Page 58: of Marine News Magazine (August 2017)
MN 100 Market Leaders
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Triple Threat:
You’ve got (North American) options
Two longtime stakeholders and a new entry to the ballast water treatment battles all move towards U.S. Coast Guard approvals. The three U.S.- based OEM’s all employ different approaches to the same problem.
By Joseph Keefe he rati? cation of the IMO ballast water convention
H MYDE ARINE has been followed in short order by the U.S. Coast
Hyde Marine is a U.S.-based manufacturer of UV bal-
TGuard’s approval of not one, but four OEM BWT last water treatment systems. As a U.S. manufacturer com- systems. More are in the pipeline. Earlier this year, ABS peting on the world market, Hyde Marine has been able
Regional VP Michael Michaud told listeners at a January to maintain a technical and operational advantage while
BWT conference in Long Beach, CA that it is possible if matching market pricing and achieving regulatory require- not very likely that as many as 12 BWT systems in total ments. Offering what Hyde self-describes as the smallest could be approved by the end of the year. Looking at cur- footprint on the market, the ? rm continues to provide rent numbers at this point in time, that estimate might be leadership as Entry Into Force of the IMO Ballast Water a little optimistic, but no doubt additional approvals are in Convention drives demand. And, it is likely that few other the pipeline now.
? rms have been in the game longer.
Racing to the ? nish line are three U.S.-based manufac-
Chris Todd, Executive Director, Calgon Carbon UV turers, all already in the testing process, and expecting ap-
Technologies LLC (Hyde Marine) told MarineNews in July, provals in the near future. Ballast water treatment systems “The Hyde GUARDIAN BWTS utilizes well-proven tech- must ? rst get through a vigorous testing regime in order nology with ? ltration and UV-disinfection. The system was to obtain USCG type approval, including function, en- designed by ship engineers for ship engineers to be simple to vironmental, land-based and shipboard testing. Longtime operate and to withstand the rigors of a shipboard environ- ballast water treatment manufacturers Hyde Marine, Eco- ment. With several hundred installations in service, we have chlor and a new, but well-positioned entry, Envirocleanse, a tremendous amount of ? eld experience that has guided are poised to offer the estimated 60,000 vessels that may re? nements of the system over the past two decades, and we need ballast water treatment systems, a viable route to the are well positioned to service a wide variety of vessel types.”
Promised Land of compliance.
Hyde Marine has more than 30 years experience in
Looking at the American marine markets alone, it is true diverse water treatment solutions and UV technology. that a majority of the approximate 40,000 hulls won’t need Through its Hyde GUARDIAN BWTS, Hyde Marine was ballast water treatment systems. Those that do can look one of the ? rst suppliers with a chemical free UV disinfec- right here at home for that solution – no matter where tion solution, receiving IMO Type Approval in 2009. Be- they decide to install it. A quick look at all three provides fore that, Hyde Marine was one of the ? rst to receive Alter- encouragement to vessel operators worried about options, native Management System (AMS) approval from the U.S. the availability of equipment, and suf? cient numbers of Coast Guard (USCG). Additionally, the company installed approved systems. one of the ? rst BWTS aboard a ship (M/S Coral Princess).
August 2017
MN 58