Page 62: of Marine News Magazine (August 2017)
MN 100 Market Leaders
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1716 11th Avenue
Menominee, MI 49858
Telephone: (906) 863-5553
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.fernstrum.com
CEO/President: Sean Fernstrum
THE COMPANY: research, Mr. Fernstrum developed the basic keel cooler
R.W. Fernstrum & Company set the standard in marine design that is still used today. The GRIDCOOLER Keel heat exchangers over 65 years ago, building a reputation Cooler has evolved over the years into a line of keel cool- focused on innovation. Today, its commitment is to con- ers that offers nearly limitless variations to ? t a particular tinual improvement, ensuring that customers have quality, application. R.W. Fernstrum today has more keel cooling reliability, and the latest in cooling technologies on your related patents than any other company. In the workboat side. Over the years, R.W. Fernstrum has grown into a and brown water sector, Fernstrum applications and so- worldwide organization with more than two dozen repre- lutions can be found on a myriad of platforms, including sentatives across 6 continents. Focusing exclusively on ma- ATB’s, Barges, Dredges, Escort/Specialty Tugs, Inland rine cooling, this third-generation, family-owned business River Boats, Landing Craft, OSV’s, Passenger Vessels has built a respected reputation throughout the industry & Ferries, Pilot Boats, Push Boats and many other hull for exceptional quality and service. forms. Fernstrum is also active in repower and wind/tidal 2016 was a busy year for the ? rm. Before that, R.W. energy projects.
Fernstrum completed its of? ce expansion in 2015. Recent notable projects include the Citywide Ferries (operator THE CASE:
Hornblower; built by Metal Shark and Horizon); SCF Ma- Founded by Robert W. Fernstrum 67 years ago, R.W. rine Push Boats (operator Marquette Transportation; built Fernstrum & Company is currently run by its third gen- by C & C Marine and Repair); Harvey Gulf Construction eration of Fernstrum. This long-tenured maritime staple
Vessels (built by Eastern Shipbuilding); Edison Chouest has seen its fair share of maritime cycles, and in today’s
Ocean Tugs; Expansion of Florida Marine Towboat Fleet challenging market it is not standing still. The company (built by Eastern Shipbuilding); Washington State Olym- is digging for, and ? nding, business in all four corners of pic Class Ferries (built by Vigor); Western Towboat Tugs; the world. The company has recently expanded its head-
Foss Arctic Class Tugs; and the Louis Dreyfus Shallow quarters with modern front of? ce facilities, and the main
Draft Pushers (Brazil). workshop includes a number of new machines to keep manufacturing ef? cient. This investment has manifested
PRIMARY PRODUCT / SERVICE: itself also in a broadening of the traditional Gridcooler
R.W. Fernstrum & Company, a global leader in en- Keel Cooler line. Whether the cooling challenge is WWII gineering and manufacturing keel cooling technologies, landing craft or an EPA Tier 4 engine, R.W. Fernstrum came to fruition in 1945 when Robert W. Fernstrum stays focused on the mission at hand. Their strength is patented the ? rst rectangular tube keel cooler with an heat exchange. Whether it’s cooling or heating, it is heat angled header for the United States Army and Navy. exchange. That’s R.W. Fernstrum’s core strength. Now
During World War II, the U.S. Navy encountered en- serving that market with a number of different product gine cooling problems with their landing craft and re- lines, the ? rm can bring those together and provide a quired a new closed circuit cooling system. After intense packaged solution.
August 2017
MN 62