Page 25: of Marine News Magazine (December 2017)
Innovative Products & Boats- 2017
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ment information and sensor data to support safe opera- ical AtoN (Synthetic) or one that is nonexistent (Virtual). tion and domain awareness in U.S. waters. AIS may also be These AtoNs may be displayed on the mariners’ ECS/ra- used to transmit information to support navigation, such dar to allow easy identi? cation of radar return of the AtoN as the locations of hazards. The transmission of electronic or to augment physical AtoN in tough-to-maneuver areas. information to supplement visual AtoN is termed here as
E AVIGATION ON NLAND IVERS electronic AtoN (e-AtoN). It is one part of a more com- -N I R prehensive and systematic integration presentation of elec- e-Nav capabilities have been installed and used on the tronic information to support navigation that is termed as lower Ohio River and adjacent Mississippi River for over e-Navigation (e-Nav). two years. It began as a proof of concept test with the
Traditionally, AIS has been used to broadcast vessel posi- USCG. Alion, working under contract to the USCG and tion, course, speed, and other vessel information to nearby USACE, designed and implemented the test bed that has vessels and shore authorities such as Vessel Traf? c Services now transitioned to a permanent and expanding e-Nav in- (VTS). This information is then plotted and displayed on frastructure. It is managed predominantly by the USACE an enabled radar display or electronic chart system (ECS). under Mr. Brian Tetreault.
The goal of the USCG and USACE is to transmit addi- The additional AIS information is currently being tional safety- and navigation-related information such as transmitted from the following USACE locks: Markland, weather, water depth, river current, Synthetic and Virtu- McAlpine, Cannelton, Newburgh, J. T. Myers, Smithland, al AtoN, vessels in lock queue, lock status, and USACE Lock 52, Kentucky Lock, Barkley, and the Olmsted Locks
Notices to Navigation Interests (NTNI) information. and Dam project. The USCG also transmits the messages
The new information helps improve maritime safety and from the Nationwide Distress System (NDS) site at Battle- domain awareness with the use of Synthetic and Virtual town, KY, as well as transmitters in Louisville, KY, and one
AtoN information. They serve to identify an existing phys- in Owensboro, KY.
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